Swiss-Army Knife

Jaeles : The Swiss Army Knife For Automated Web Application Testing

Jaeles is a powerful, flexible and easily extensible framework written in Go for building your own Web Application Scanner. Installation…

5 years ago

Jaeles : The Swiss Army Knife For Automated Web Application Testing

Jaeles is a powerful, flexible and easily extensible framework written in Go for building your own Web Application Scanner. Installation go…

5 years ago

Pockint : A Portable OSINT Swiss Army Knife for DFIR/OSINT Professionals

POCKINT (a.k.a. Pocket Intelligence) is the OSINT swiss army knife for DFIR/OSINT professionals. Designed to be a lightweight and portable…

5 years ago

Cryptovenom : The Cryptography Swiss Army Knife

CryptoVenom is an OpenSource tool which contains a lot of cryptosystems and cryptoanalysis methods all in one, including classical algorithms,…

5 years ago

Btlejack : Bluetooth Low Energy Swiss-Army Knife

Btlejack provides everything you need to sniff, jam and hijack Bluetooth Low Energy devices. It relies on one or more BBC…

6 years ago