
Discover IPv6 Network Range & Hosts from an IPv6 Enabled Network Using passive_discovery6

Passive_discovery6 passively sniffs the network and dump all client's IPv6 addresses detected. Passive_discovery6 simply sniffs for the neighbor-advertisement packet in…

6 years ago

Online Password Bruteforce with Hydra-GTK

Hydra (better known as "thc-hydra") is an online password attack tool. It brute forces various combinations on live services like…

6 years ago

parasite6 – Redirect all IPv6 traffic through your attacker machine

Redirect all IPv6 traffic through your attacker machine with parasite6 Parasite6 is the arpspoof in IPv6 networks and also a…

9 years ago


Create a rouge ipv6 router in one simple step with fake_router6 fake_router6 is a tool inside THC-IPv6 tools bundled inside…

9 years ago