DLLHijackingScanner : This Is A PoC For Bypassing UAC Using DLL Hijacking And Abusing The “Trusted Directories” Verification

DLLHijackingScanner is a PoC for bypassing UAC using DLL hijacking and abusing the "Trusted Directories" verification. Generate Header from CSV The python script can be…

3 years ago

ByeIntegrity UAC : Bypass UAC By Hijacking A DLL Located In The Native Image Cache

ByeIntegrity UAC is a tool used to bypass user account control (UAC) to gain elevated (Administrator) privileges to run any…

4 years ago

UAC : Unix-like Artifacts Collector

UAC is a Live Response collection tool for Incident Response that makes use of built-in tools to automate the collection…

4 years ago