
OffensivePipeline : To Download And Build C# Tools, To Improve Their Evasion For Red Team Exercises

OffensivePipeline allows you to download and build C# tools, applying certain modifications in order to improve their evasion for Red…

2 years ago

Winevt_logs_analysis : Searching .evtx Logs For Remote Connections

Winevt logs analysis is a simple script for the purpose of finding remote connections to Windows machine and ideally some…

2 years ago

Suborner : The Invisible Account Forger

Suborner is a simple program to create a Windows account you will only know about :) Create invisible local accounts…

2 years ago

Dc-sonar : Functionality For Analyzing AD Domains For Security Risks Related To Accounts

The DC Sonar Community provides functionality for analyzing AD domains for security risks related to accounts. Repositories The project consists…

2 years ago

Tai-e : A New Efficient Static Analysis Framework For Java

Tai-e (Chinese: 太阿; pronunciation: [ˈtaɪə:]) is a new static analysis framework for Java (please see our technical report for details),…

2 years ago

APTRS : Automated Penetration Testing Reporting System

APTRS (Automated Penetration Testing Reporting System) is an automated reporting tool in Python and Django. The tool allows Penetration testers…

2 years ago

Villain : Windows And Linux Backdoor Generator And Multi-Session Handler

Villain is a Windows & Linux backdoor generator and multi-session handler that allows users to connect with sibling servers (other…

2 years ago

Pywirt : Python Windows Incident Response Toolkit

Pywirt application, it is aimed to accelerate the incident response processes by collecting information in windows operating systems via winrm.…

2 years ago

Collect-MemoryDump : Automated Creation Of Windows Memory Snapshots For DFIR

Collect-MemoryDump is automated Creation of Windows Memory Snapshots for DFIR. Collect-MemoryDump.ps1 is PowerShell script utilized to collect a Memory Snapshot…

2 years ago

Reverse_SSH : SSH Based Reverse Shell

Want to use SSH for reverse shells? Now you can using reverse_SSH. Manage and connect to reverse shells with native…

2 years ago