
WESNG : Next Generation Windows Exploit Suggester

WESNG is a tool based on the output of Windows' systeminfo utility which provides the list of vulnerabilities the OS…

6 years ago

Windows Linux Kernel Is Now Available Via WSL 2

At the point when Microsoft first reported bash on Windows and brought Linux inside Windows as Windows Subsystem for Linux…

6 years ago

Windows Hacks : Creative & Unusual Things That Can Be Done With The Windows API

Windows Hacks is a creative and unusual things that can be done with the Windows API. Shrinking Windows Any window…

6 years ago

Terminus : A Terminal For A More Modern Age

Terminus is a highly configurable terminal for a more modern age emulator for Windows, macOS and Linux. Theming and color schemesFully…

6 years ago

TeleShadow3 : Telegram Desktop Session Stealer (Windows)

Teleshadow3 is a advanced Telegram desktop session hijacker for windows, you can download tool by clickin here. Set the email…

6 years ago

Mimikatz : A little Tool to Play with Windows Security

Mimikatz is a tool I've made to learn C and make somes experiments with Windows security. Mimikatz : A little Tool…

6 years ago

CommandoVM : Windows-Based Security Distribution for Penetration Testing

Welcome to CommandoVM a fully customized, Windows-based security distribution for penetration testing and red teaming. Installation (Install Script) Requirements Windows…

6 years ago

How to Install Ubuntu On Windows 10?

In this article will provide you with step by step instruction on installation of Ubuntu on the Windows 10 operating…

6 years ago

Calculator : A simple Yet Powerful Calculator that Ships with Windows

The Windows Calculator app is a modern Windows app written in C++ that ships pre-installed with Windows. The app provides…

6 years ago

Fibratus : Tool for Exploration & Tracing of the Windows Kernel

Fibratus is a tool which is able to capture the most of the Windows kernel activity - process/thread creation and termination,…

6 years ago