A Python 3 tool to statically deobfuscate functions protected by Themida, WinLicense and Code Virtualizer 3.x’s mutation-based obfuscation.
The tool has been tested on Themida up to version 3.1.9. It’s expected to work on WinLicense and Code Virtualizer as well.
A Binary Ninja plugin is also available here.
You can install the project with pip
pip install themida-unmutate
A standalone PyInstaller build is available for Windows in “Releases”.
Here’s what the CLI looks like:
$ themida-unmutate --help
usage: themida-unmutate [-h] -a ADDRESSES [ADDRESSES ...] -o OUTPUT [--no-trampoline] [--reassemble-in-place] [-v] protected_binary
Automatic deobfuscation tool for Themida's mutation-based protection
positional arguments:
protected_binary Protected binary path
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Addresses of the functions to deobfuscate
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output binary path
--no-trampoline Disable function unwrapping
Rewrite simplified code over the mutated code rather than in a new code section
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging
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