Cyber security

TrickDump – Evading Detection With Advanced Memory Dump Techniques

TrickDump dumps the lsass process without creating a Minidump file, generating instead 3 JSON and 1 ZIP file with the memory region dumps. In three steps:

  • Lock: Get OS information using RtlGetVersion.
  • Shock: Get SeDebugPrivilege privilege with NtOpenProcessToken and NtAdjustPrivilegeToken, open a handle with NtGetNextProcess and NtQueryInformationProcess and then get modules information using NtQueryInformationProcess and NtReadVirtualMemory.
  • Barrel: Get SeDebugPrivilege privilege, open a handle and then get information and dump memory regions using NtQueryVirtualMemory and NtReadVirtualMemory.

In the attack system, use the script to generate the Minidump file:


The benefits of this technique are:

  • There is never a valid Minidump file in disk, memory or the network traffic.
  • There is not a single program or process executing the whole attack but three separate ones, which may raise less flags.
    • If you already have information about the OS of the target machine you can skip the first step (“Lock”).
  • The programs only use NTAPIS (this project is a variant of NativeDump).
  • It does not use OpenProcess or NtOpenProcess to get the lsass process handle with the PROCESS_VM_OPERATION and PROCESS_VM_WRITE access rights.
  • Each program allows to overwrite the ntdll.dll library “.text” section to bypass API hooking:
    • “disk”: Using a DLL already on disk. If a second argument is not used the path is “C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll”.
    • “knowndlls”: Using the KnownDlls folder.
    • “debugproc”: Using a process created in debug mode. If a second argument is not used the process is “c:\windows\system32\calc.exe”.

For more information click here.

Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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