Pentesting Tools

Version 3.7 – Comprehensive Enhancements And New Features In SQL Server Chain Execution Tool

  • Complete refactor of code base.
  • Updated documentation (code comments, README, and wiki)
  • Execution against a linked SQL server chain. For example, if SQL01 has a link to SQL02, and SQL02, has a link to SQL03, and SQL03, has a link to PAYMENTS01. It is now possible to execute commands from SQL01 on PAYMENTS01 using the linked server chain (/link:SQL02,SQL03,PAYMENTS01 /chain). Credit to Azael Martin (n3rada).
  • Removed ‘l‘ and ‘i‘ modules, and introduced context logic so module names can be the same across standard, impersonation, linked and chained execution.
  • Added chain support to all linked modules.
  • Added support for debug (/debug), which will display various debugging information and all SQL queries that will be executed by a module, without executing them.
  • Added verbose (/verbose, /v), which will display all SQL queries that will be executed during module execution.
  • Added timeout (/timeout, /t), which takes an integer value for SQL server database connection timeout.
  • Improved links module to include detailed information. Credit to Azael Martin (n3rada).
  • Improved whoami module to include Windows principals and database users. Credit to Azael Martin (n3rada).
  • Improved impersonation module to include Windows principals and database users. Credit to Azael Martin (n3rada).
  • Added IP address retrieval into the sqlspns enumeration module. Credit to Azael Martin (n3rada).
  • Standardized console output to markdown where applicable. Credit to Azael Martin (n3rada).
  • Added DNS support to /enum:info module.
  • Added optional /subsystem argument to the olecmdexec module, which accepts execution using the CmdExec or PowerShell OLE automation subsystems.
  • Updated test harnesses to reflect CLI changes and new modules.
  • Changed AzureAD authentication to EntraID.


  • Execution against multiple SQL servers supplied in the /host or /h flag is now supported using comma separated values.
  • Execution against multiple linked SQL servers supplied in the /link or /l flag is now supported using comma separated values.
  • Changed /lhost to /link.
  • Removed ‘s‘ modules and created the /s, /sccm switch for SCCM modules.
  • Added impersonation support to all SCCM modules, with the exception of DecryptCredentials.
  • Added a new enumeration (/enum) module called info which is able to used an unauthenticated context to obtain SQL server information, including instance name and TCP port using the UDP protocol.
  • Moved argument logic into individual methods within ModuleHandler.cs to promote simplification and extensibility.
  • Moved all SQL queries to Queries.cs.
  • Created EnumerationModules.cs.
  • Created FormatQuery.cs.
  • Created SccmModules.cs.
  • Renamed ModuleHandler.cs to SqlModules.cs.


  • Bug fix where linked adsi execution was not removing the LDAP server.
  • Removed agent job execution from linked adsi, in favor of openquery/rpc.
  • Changed /lhost to /adsi in in adsi module.
  • Changed /rhost to /unc in smb module.
  • Removed CaptureHash.cs and simplified logic.
  • Removed SetEnumerationType.cs and simplified logic.
  • Renamed Impersonation.cs to Impersonate.cs.
  • Renamed OleCmdExec.cs to OleAutomation.cs.
  • Renamed PrintUtils.cs to Print.cs.
  • Renamed SQLServerInfo.cs to Info.cs.


  • Added impersonation support for smb module.
  • Added impersonation support for info module.
  • Added linked support for info module.
Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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