WannaRace is a WebApp intentionally made vulnerable to Race Condition
Race Condition vulnerability can be practiced in the developed WebApp. Task is to buy a Mega Box using race condition that costs more than available vouchers. Two challenges are made for practice. Challenge B is to be solved when PHPSESSID cookie is present, cookie is auto created when user is logged in. Happy learning .
Building And Running The Docker Image
Build the Docker image with:
git clone https://github.com/Xib3rR4dAr/WannaRace && cd WannaRace
docker build -t xib3rr4dar/wanna_race:1.0 .
Run Docker image:
docker run -it –rm xib3rr4dar/wanna_race:1.0
Then open in browser relevant IP:PORT
Main Page
Four vouchers worth 400 units available for recharge
Task is to buy Mega box (which is worth 401 units) by exploiting race condition
Challenge #2
Same as Challenge #1 but requires login so that PHPSESSID and appropriate cookies are set
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