
WhenFS – Transforming Google Calendar Into A Whimsical File System

A novel technology that reimagines Google Calendar as a whimsical file system. This quirky tool allows you to create, read, and write files directly within your calendar, transforming it into a FUSE filesystem.

Dive into the capabilities of WhenFS, from mounting shared calendars to transferring files at unprecedented speeds—all through the simplicity of your daily scheduler.

WhenFS turns your Google Calendar into a FUSE filesystem. It whimsically supports the following features:

  • Create a filesystem out of existing Google Calendars, or create a new one from scratch
  • Read and write files, directories and… well, just files and directories
  • Mount your friends’ WhenFS calendar file systems to share files in the silliest way possible

The image above contains all the image’s data split up across hundreds of tiny calendar event descriptions. The entire filesystem—files, directories, reads, writes and more—is all based on manipulating these Google Calendar events.

WhenFS is an example of a harder drive—a hard drive we didn’t want or need.

(Demo) Mount A Friend’s File System

WhenFS can mount existing WhenFS-ed Google Calendars when given the calendar’s ID and ID of the file system recovery calendar event:

How Does It Work?

WhenFS operations start at the FUSE file system layer, facilitated by fuser. The filesystem sits on top of a write-through object cache, which itself sits on top of an abstract data storage interface with swappable calendar API backends.

For more information click here.

Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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