This C# program finds Windows Defender folder exclusions using Windows Defender through its command-line tool (MpCmdRun.exe).

The program processes directories recursively, with configurable depth and thread usage, and outputs information about exclusions and scan progress.

The program allows you to:

  • Scan for folder exclusions up to a specified depth, without relying on event logs or admin permissions.
  • Use multi-threading to speed the scan process.
  • Log errors and exclusion messages to a specified output file.


Basic Command

program.exe <BasePath> [options]


  • --max-threads N: Set the maximum number of threads to use for scanning. Default is 3.
  • --depth N: Specify the maximum directory depth to scan. Depth 1 means only immediate subdirectories.
  • --output <filePath>: Specify a file path to log exclusions and errors.
  • -h, --help: Display help and usage information.


program.exe "C:\MyDirectory" --max-threads 5 --depth 3 --output scan_log.txt

This will scan C:\MyDirectory up to a depth of 3 subdirectories, using 5 threads, and log any exclusions or errors to scan_log.txt.

How It Works

A blog explaining the technique utilised can be viewed here

Example Output

Processed 2000 directories. Time elapsed: 23.78 seconds.
[+] Folder C:\users\user\Example is excluded
Processed 2500 directories. Time elapsed: 30.77 seconds.


  • .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later.
  • Windows Defender must be installed and enabled on the system.
  • MpCmdRun.exe must be located at C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe.


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