Cyber security

Active Directory Exploitation Cheat Sheet – A Comprehensive Guide To Enumeration And Attack Methods

This cheat sheet contains common enumeration and attack methods for Windows Active Directory.

This cheat sheet is inspired by the PayloadAllTheThings repo.


  • Active Directory Exploitation Cheat Sheet
    • Summary
    • Tools
    • Domain Enumeration
      • Using PowerView
      • Using AD Module
      • Using BloodHound
        • Remote BloodHound
        • On Site BloodHound
      • Using Adalanche
        • Remote adalanche
      • Useful Enumeration Tools
    • Local Privilege Escalation
      • Useful Local Priv Esc Tools
    • Lateral Movement
      • Powershell Remoting
      • Remote Code Execution with PS Credentials
      • Import a PowerShell Module and Execute its Functions Remotely
      • Executing Remote Stateful commands
      • Mimikatz
      • Remote Desktop Protocol
      • URL File Attacks
      • Useful Tools
    • Domain Privilege Escalation
      • Kerberoast
      • ASREPRoast
      • Password Spray Attack
      • Force Set SPN
      • Abusing Shadow Copies
      • List and Decrypt Stored Credentials using Mimikatz
      • Unconstrained Delegation
      • Constrained Delegation
      • Resource Based Constrained Delegation
      • DNSAdmins Abuse
      • Abusing Active Directory-Integraded DNS
      • Abusing Backup Operators Group
      • Abusing Exchange
      • Weaponizing Printer Bug
      • Abusing ACLs
      • Abusing IPv6 with mitm6
      • SID History Abuse
      • Exploiting SharePoint
      • Zerologon
      • PrintNightmare
      • Active Directory Certificate Services
      • No PAC
    • Domain Persistence
      • Golden Ticket Attack
      • DCsync Attack
      • Silver Ticket Attack
      • Skeleton Key Attack
      • DSRM Abuse
      • Custom SSP
    • Cross Forest Attacks
      • Trust Tickets
      • Abuse MSSQL Servers
      • Breaking Forest Trusts


Domain Enumeration

Using PowerView

Powerview v.3.0
Powerview Wiki

  • Get Current Domain: Get-Domain
  • Enumerate Other Domains: Get-Domain -Domain <DomainName>
  • Get Domain SID: Get-DomainSID
  • Get Domain Policy:

#Will show us the policy configurations of the Domain about system access or kerberos
Get-DomainPolicy | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SystemAccess
Get-DomainPolicy | Select-Object -ExpandProperty KerberosPolicy
  • Get Domain Controllers:
Get-DomainController -Domain <DomainName>
  • Enumerate Domain Users:
#Save all Domain Users to a file
Get-DomainUser | Out-File -FilePath .\DomainUsers.txt

#Will return specific properties of a specific user
Get-DomainUser -Identity [username] -Properties DisplayName, MemberOf | Format-List

#Enumerate user logged on a machine
Get-NetLoggedon -ComputerName <ComputerName>

#Enumerate Session Information for a machine
Get-NetSession -ComputerName <ComputerName>

#Enumerate domain machines of the current/specified domain where specific users are logged into
Find-DomainUserLocation -Domain <DomainName> | Select-Object UserName, SessionFromName
  • Enum Domain Computers:
Get-DomainComputer -Properties OperatingSystem, Name, DnsHostName | Sort-Object -Property DnsHostName

#Enumerate Live machines
Get-DomainComputer -Ping -Properties OperatingSystem, Name, DnsHostName | Sort-Object -Property DnsHostName
Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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