IPGeolocation – A Comprehensive Guide To The IPGeoLocation Tool

IPGeoLocation is a powerful tool designed to fetch detailed geolocation information for any given IP address or domain. Utilizing the comprehensive services of ip-api, this Python-based application offers extensive functionality including proxy support, multiple output formats, and integration with Google Maps. Ideal for cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts, IPGeoLocation streamlines the process of IP analysis and …

GasMasK – The Comprehensive OSINT Toolkit

GasMasK is a versatile open-source tool designed for extensive information gathering and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) operations. It seamlessly integrates various functionalities to probe domains, social media, and more, using a multitude of data sources like Shodan, Censys, and DNS records. Licensed under GPLv3, GasMasK v2.0 offers a robust framework for cybersecurity professionals and researchers. …

Ashok – The Ultimate Reconnaissance Toolkit For Penetration Testers

Reconnaissance is the first phase of penetration testing which means gathering information before any real attacks are planned So Ashok is an Incredible fast recon tool for penetration tester which is specially designed for Reconnaissance phase. And in Ashok-v1.1 you can find the advanced google dorker and wayback crawling machine. Main Features Installation  How To Use Ashok? A detailed usage guide …

SocialPath – A Comprehensive Tool For Social Media Analysis And Darknet User Tracking

SocialPath emerges as a cutting-edge tool designed for security researchers and digital forensics experts. It enables the tracking and analysis of users across various social media platforms while also offering unique capabilities for deanonymizing darknet users. With support for multiple services and robust technical requirements, SocialPath provides a detailed, user-centric view of digital footprints. Track …

OSINT-Collector : Harnessing Advanced Frameworks For Domain-Specific Intelligence Gathering

OSINT-Collector is an advanced framework that facilitates the collection, analysis, and management of OSINT information useful for conducting investigations in specific domains of interest. Table Of Contents Design And Architecture In this framework has been used an Ontology approach: Using the graphical interface, the user can select an OSINT tool, input required parameters, and initiate execution to perform a specific search. This execution request …

Kupa3 – Script Dependencies And Domain Connections On Websites

Kupa3 allows you to draw connections between scripts on specific website. It search for javascript code or source attribute, in html code, and crawls it in order to draw a dependency graph. This approach can help bug hunters to discover subdomains and examine javascript calls, OSINT researchers to check what companies are connected to each …

Holehe Maltego Transform – Your Tool For Digital Investigation And Information Gathering

holehe allows you to check if the mail is used on different sites like twitter, instagram and will retrieve information on sites with the forgotten password function. In the evolving landscape of online intelligence, the Holehe Maltego Transform emerges as a pivotal tool for digital investigators. Designed to reveal how email addresses are used across …

Collector – The Ultimate OSINT Toolkit For Digital Sleuthing

Collector is a OSINT tool and information gathering. I build this tool for my fun and you can use this tool for do OSINT. In github account and instagram account you can find information by username. Install Options Features Information Gathering Phone Numbers Information Gathering Github Account Information Gathering IP Address Note You cannot for …

AVOSINT – Harnessing Aviation Intelligence From Open Sources

A tool to search Aviation-related intelligence from public sources. AVOSINT is a cutting-edge tool designed to extract and analyze aviation-related intelligence from public sources. It utilizes powerful OSINT techniques to monitor aircraft movements, gather historical data, and retrieve detailed aircraft information. This article explores how AVOSINT can be deployed and its various capabilities in aviation …

Mr.Holmes – A Comprehensive Guide To Installing And Using The OSINT Tool

Mr.Holmes is a information gathering tool (OSINT). The main purpose is to gain information about domains,username and phone numbers with the help of public source avaiable on the internet also it use the google dorks attack for specific researchers. It also use proxies for make your requests completley anonymous and a WhoIS Api for getting …