Android Autorooter Exploit : A Step-By-Step Guide

“Android Autorooter” delves into the cutting-edge possibilities of exploiting Android vulnerabilities to achieve root access. This article guides you through setting up a self-executing Android exploit using CVE-2024-0044, a critical security flaw. Follow step-by-step instructions to craft and deploy a meterpreter payload, turning theoretical vulnerability into practical attack capability. Give This A Try Create a …

Termo-Kali : A Guide To Installing Kali Linux On Android via Termux

Termo-Kali bridges the gap between powerful Linux capabilities and the convenience of mobile devices by bringing Kali Linux to Android through Termux. This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough for installing Termo-Kali, allowing users to harness a full-fledged Linux environment on their Android smartphones. Start exploring the possibilities of mobile penetration testing and security tasks today …

Broken Droid Factory : Crafting Vulnerable APKs For Pen Testing And Security Training

BDF is a Python tool designed to spin-up pseudo random vulnerable Android applications for vulnerability research, ethical hacking, and pen testing Android app practice. Getting Started Installation After cloning the repository all BDF dependencies can be installed manually or via the requirements file, with: In addition to the above, you will also need a copy …

Compose StyleSheet: Revolutionizing UI Design in Jetpack Compose

Compose StyleSheet is an innovative framework designed to enhance user interface development in Jetpack Compose. Offering a versatile array of customizable UI components, this library simplifies the design process, allowing for dynamic styling and seamless integration of design elements like colors, fonts, and sizes. Ideal for developers seeking to streamline UI creation, Compose StyleSheet is …

WhatsApp’s Task Hijacking Bug Explained

While reviewing the WhatsApp Android application, researchers identified a misconfiguration in AndroidManifest.xml related to task control features. This misconfiguration leads to a critical vulnerability called task hijacking and enables the attack flow against the latest WhatsApp on Android-based phones. In successful exploitation of the vulnerability, the malicious app can take over the “back stack” of …

Pen Andro – An Automated Android Penetration Testing Tool

Introduction Pen-Andro Script will automate the process of installing all necessary tools & tasks for Android Pentesting i.e Moving Burpsuite Certificate,Installing Adb frida server, APKs like proxy toggle, proxydroid, adbwifi. Usage Preconditions I want to Install :- curl -sL | sudo bash Pen Andro Demo  Pen Andro Features Android Apps Pc Tools Pen Andro …

Top 6 Stealthy Ways to Spy on Someone’s Text Messages Without Their Phone

We live in an era where people text more than they talk. It is also a very popular mode of constantly staying in touch with people without raising suspicion. Texts are not just normal texts anymore, they have been refined and how! A text is now capable and compatible with emoticons, gifs, video messages, and …

7 Best Apps to Hack Girlfriend’s Phone to View Text Messages

Ever got a gut feeling that your girl is seeing someone else behind your back or cheating on you? That can be very disheartening. But! If you want to make sure of this “gut feeling”- you will need some help. And we are not talking about any overpaid detective or secretive stalking; we are talking …

InjuredAndroid : A Vulnerable Android Application

InjuredAndroid is a vulnerable Android application with ctf examples based on bug bounty findings, exploitation concepts, and pure creativity. Setup for a physical device Download injuredandroid.apk from Github Enable USB debugging on your Android test phone. Connect your phone and your pc with a usb cable. Install via adb. adb install injuredandroid.apk. Note: You need …

The Dark Side of Free VPNs – Things You Must Know

Internet privacy should be everyone’s main concern, whether you use the internet just use for social media or internet banking, you should want to keep your browsing as private as possible. There are a plethora of premium VPN products available across the market and you have the option to pay for a variety of services …