ArreStats – The Ultimate Tool For Exploring New Jersey’s Arrest Records

In the ever-evolving landscape of data journalism, tools that allow for the exploration of public records in an intuitive and detailed manner are invaluable. ArreStats emerges as a standout utility designed specifically for delving into the New Jersey Arrest file, a comprehensive database maintained by the FBI. Developed during Hack Jersey 2.0, a hackathon focused …

Manticore Search – Unlocking The Power Of A Faster And Cost-Efficient Alternative To Elasticsearch

In the realm of database search engines, “Manticore Search” emerges as a formidable contender, challenging the status quo with its exceptional speed and cost-efficiency. This open-source powerhouse stands as a robust alternative to Elasticsearch, offering blazing-fast performance that’s reproducibly ahead of the competition. In this article, we’ll delve into the unique features and capabilities of …

Domain Audit – Automated Active Directory Penetration Testing

The Tool is a wrapper around PowerView, Impacket, PowerUpSQL, BloodHound, Ldaprelayscan and Crackmapexec to automate the execution of enumeration and a lot of checks performed during a On-Prem Active Directory Penetration test. Thanks to all the authors of the original tools. Installation AND Setup Make sure the path viariables in the script to the following …

Data Protection: Why is it Crucial in 2022

Data protection is highly important in 2022 to avoid becoming a victim of online scams, losing any stored data, and prevent others from stealing your personal information. Such actions can cause severe reputation damage and monetary loss for both businesses and individuals. Data protection is the act of following a set of rules and investing …

How to monitor and optimize an SQL database

Are you a database admin looking for ways to make your life easier? There are plenty of effective strategies to implement and tools to use; it’s just a case of picking the right ones. To that end, here are some simple tips for monitoring and optimizing an SQL database that won’t overwhelm relative newcomers. Image …

SQLMAP – Enumeration of Databases & Users from Vulnerable Web Forms

Sqlmap is a database assessment tool which pentesters & security researchers can use to enumerate databases of various types. Sqlmap automates a normal & advanced sql injection techniques and performs them on a regular form. Refer to the article on Introduction to SQLMAP for getting started. The following lab sessions are a continuation of the previous …

SQLMAP – Introduction & Automation of SQLi

Basic Operation of SQLMAP & enumeration of Server through automatic SQL Injection. SQLMAP is a database pentesting tool used to automate SQL Injection. Practically using sqlmap, we can dump a whole database from a vulnerable server. SQLMap is written in python and has got dynamic testing features. It can conduct tests for various database backends very …