Burp Suite Tutorial – A Web Application Penetration Testing Tool – Beginners Guide

In this Burp Suite Tutorial, we are going to elaborately describe the Burp Suite tool and its features that are bundled in a single suite made for Web Application Security assessment as well as Penetration testing. It’s a java executable and hence it’s cross-platform. Kali Linux comes with Burp Suite free edition installed. There is …

Metasploit Framework – A Beginner’s Guide for Penetration Testing & Exploit Development

Metasploit Framework is a collection of exploits, shellcodes, fuzzing tools, payloads, encoders etc. Moreover, we can regard it as a collection of exploitation tools bundled into a single framework. It is available in all major Linux, Windows, OS X platforms. Its main objective is to test your/company’s/organization’s defenses by attacking them. Something like “Offense for …

Whatweb – A Scanning Tool to Find Security Vulnerabilities in Web App

Whatweb is the perfect name for this tool. Simply it answers the question, “What is that Website?” Whatweb can identify all sorts of information about a live website, like: Whatweb offers both passive scanning and aggressive testing. Passive scanning just extracts data from HTTP headers simulating a normal visit. Aggressive options get deeper with recursion …

SIEM – Security Information and Event Management Tools – A Beginner’s Guide

What is a SIEM? SIEM, when expanded, becomes Security Information Event Management. As its name suggests,  the primary function of a SIEM is Event management. The SIEM solution, once implemented completely & effectively, will have complete visibility over an organization’s network. This helps administrators and SIEM operators to monitor network activity in their infrastructure. But …

Discover IPv6 Network Range & Hosts from an IPv6 Enabled Network Using passive_discovery6

Passive_discovery6 passively sniffs the network and dump all client’s IPv6 addresses detected. Passive_discovery6 simply sniffs for the neighbor-advertisement packet in IPv6 networks. You have to understand the basics of IPv6 networks first. Assuming that you know about IPv4 and what an ARP is, neighbor-advertisement & neighbor-solicitation packets replace the ARP(IPv4) in IPv6. A neighbor-solicitation is the …

Maintaining Access to a Linux Machine Using Cymothoa – Post Exploitation

Cymothoa is a post-exploitation tool. It can be used to maintain access to an exploited system. Cymothoa injects a variety of shellcodes to running processes in a system. Almost all nix systems most of the Linux variants can be backdoored with cymothoa. Cymothoa uses ptrace library in nix systems to evaluate running processes & inject …

Tcpflow – To Monitor, Capture & Dump Packets

Tcpflow is a TCP/IP Demultiplexer. Tcpflow is used to record traffic mainly between 2 hosts although it can be used to monitor thousands of connections. Tcpflow differs from other tools by actually capturing the real data and dumping it to a file we specify. It can be then further used for other analysis purposes. One …

lbd – Tool to Detect Whether a Domain has Load Balancing Enabled

Load balancing(lbd) is the technique used in different services for balancing the load across different servers or NICs. It can be in any form. Load balancing can be done to evenly distribute workload through a series of Computer clusters. Or it can be used within a single system to balance connections across a set of …

SQLMAP – Enumeration of Databases & Users from Vulnerable Web Forms

Sqlmap is a database assessment tool which pentesters & security researchers can use to enumerate databases of various types. Sqlmap automates a normal & advanced sql injection techniques and performs them on a regular form. Refer to the article on Introduction to SQLMAP for getting started. The following lab sessions are a continuation of the previous …

Ua-tester – A tool for User Agent WAF, IDS/IPS, Redirection testing

UA-tester is a tool to check whether a website provides different pages for different user agents like for mobile, desktop bots etc. Well, this tool also delivers a lot of information. It is basically a python script which runs through various user-agents on a specified site. It also tries various options like setting cookie, redirection, …