Fawkes : Tool To Search For Targets Vulnerable To SQL Injection

Fawkes is a tool to search for targets vulnerable to SQL Injection. Performs the search using Google search engine. Options -q, –query – Dork that will be used in the search engine.-r, –results – Number of results brought by the search engine.-s, –start-page – Home page of search results.-t, –timeout – Timeout of requests.-v, –verbose …

MSSQLi-DUET : MSSQL Injection-based Domain User Enumeration Tool

SQL injection script for MSSQL that extracts domain users from an Active Directory environment based on RID bruteforcing. Supports various forms of WAF bypass techniques through the implementation of SQLmap tamper functions. Additional tamper functions can be incorporated by the user depending on the situation and environment. Comes in two flavors: straight-up Python script for …

MSSQLProxy : A Toolkit To Perform Lateral Movement In Restricted Environments

MSSQLProxy is a toolkit aimed to perform lateral movement in restricted environments through a compromised Microsoft SQL Server via socket reuse. The client requires impacket and sysadmin privileges on the SQL server. It consists of three parts: CLR assembly: Compile assembly.cs Core DLL: Compile reciclador.sln Client: mssqlclient.py (based on Impacket’s example) You can compile the …

Blinder : A Python Library To Automate Time-Based Blind SQL Injection

Blinder is a small python library to automate time-based blind SQL injection by using a pre-defined queries as a functions to automate a rapid PoC development. Installation You can install it using the following command: pip install blinder Or by downloading the source and importing it manually to your project. Usage To use it you …

NoSQLMap : Automated NoSQL Database Enumeration & Web Application Exploitation Tool

NoSQLMap is an open source Python tool designed to audit for as well as automate injection attacks and exploit default configuration weaknesses in NoSQL databases and web applications using NoSQL in order to disclose or clone data from the database. A NoSQL (originally referring to “non SQL”, “non relational” or “not only SQL”) database provides …

Blind SQL Bitshifting : A Blind SQL Injection Module That Uses Bitshfting To Calculate Characters

This is a module that performs blind SQL injection by using the bitshifting method to calculate characters instead of guessing them. It requires 7/8 requests per character, depending on the configuration. Usage import blind-sql-bitshifting as x#Edit this dictionary to configure attack vectorsx.options Also Read – Dwarf : Full Featured Multi Arch/OS Debugger Built On Top Of PyQt5 …

Whitewidow : SQL Vulnerability Scanner

Whitewidow is an open source automated SQL vulnerability scanner, that is capable of running through a file list, or can scrape Google for potential vulnerable websites. It allows automatic file formatting, random user agents, IP addresses, server information, multiple SQL injection syntax, ability to launch sqlmap from the program, and a fun environment. This program …

SQLMap – SQL Injection & Database Automatic Takeover Tool

SQLMap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a powerful detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, …

PowerUpSQL Tool kit to Audit SQL Server for Weak Configuration Auditing, Privilege Escalation on Scale, and Post Exploitation Attacks

PowerUpSQL includes functions that support SQL Server discovery, weak configuration auditing, privilege escalation on the scale, and post exploitation actions such as OS command execution. It is intended to be used during internal penetration tests and red team engagements. However, PowerUpSQL also includes many functions that can be used by administrators to quickly inventory the …

SQLMAP – Enumeration of Databases & Users from Vulnerable Web Forms

Sqlmap is a database assessment tool which pentesters & security researchers can use to enumerate databases of various types. Sqlmap automates a normal & advanced sql injection techniques and performs them on a regular form. Refer to the article on Introduction to SQLMAP for getting started. The following lab sessions are a continuation of the previous …