Burp Suite Tutorial – A Web Application Penetration Testing Tool – Beginners Guide

In this Burp Suite Tutorial, we are going to elaborately describe the Burp Suite tool and its features that are bundled in a single suite made for Web Application Security assessment as well as Penetration testing. It’s a java executable and hence it’s cross-platform. Kali Linux comes with Burp Suite free edition installed. There is …

Whatweb – A Scanning Tool to Find Security Vulnerabilities in Web App

Whatweb is the perfect name for this tool. Simply it answers the question, “What is that Website?” Whatweb can identify all sorts of information about a live website, like: Whatweb offers both passive scanning and aggressive testing. Passive scanning just extracts data from HTTP headers simulating a normal visit. Aggressive options get deeper with recursion …

Kiterunner : Contextual Content Discovery Tool

For the longest of times, content discovery has been focused on finding files and folders. While this approach is effective for legacy web servers that host static files or respond with 3xx’s upon a partial path, it is no longer effective for modern web applications, specifically APIs. Over time, we have seen a lot of …

Arping – To Discover Hosts on a Computer Network

Arping is a computer software tool that is used to discover hosts on a computer network. The program tests whether a given IP address is in use on the local network, and can get additional information about the device using that address. Arping operates work at the layer 2 (or the link layer of the …

How to use Masscan to Enumerate Large Number of Hosts Quickly

Masscan has been around for some time now and already it’s in use by pentesters all around. It’s a reconnaissance tool which can transmit up to 10 million packets per second. It uses asynchronous transmission & a custom TCP/IP stack. So different threads are used for transmission & reception of packets. Masscan can be used to enumerate a …

Unicornscan – Network Scanning Tool to Find the Open Ports

Unicornscan is an asynchronous network stimulus delivery/response recording tool. Meaning it sends out broken/unorganized/fragmented packets (without a regular pattern unlike other port scanning tools) to a host and waits for the target’s response. After getting the response the TTL value is calculated for each port and thereby identifying the operating system. For eg, if the …

Netdiscover – Live Host Identification

Netdiscover – simple ARP Scanner to scan for live hosts in a network Netdiscover is a simple ARP scanner that can be used to scan for live hosts in a network. It can scan for multiple subnets also. It simply produces the output in a live display(ncurse). This can be used in the first phases …

SQLMAP – Introduction & Automation of SQLi

Basic Operation of SQLMAP & enumeration of Server through automatic SQL Injection. SQLMAP is a database pentesting tool used to automate SQL Injection. Practically using sqlmap, we can dump a whole database from a vulnerable server. SQLMap is written in python and has got dynamic testing features. It can conduct tests for various database backends very …


Simple Bluetooth Discovery with Bluelog Bluelog is a simple Bluetooth scanner that is designed to essentially do just one thing, log all the discoverable devices in the area. It is intended to be used as a site survey tool, identifying the number of possible Bluetooth targets there are in the surrounding environment. This tool only …