SSTImap : Penetration Testing Tool For SSTI Detection And Exploitation

SSTImap is a penetration testing software that can check websites for Code Injection and Server-Side Template Injection vulnerabilities and exploit them, giving access to the operating system itself. This tool was developed to be used as an interactive penetration testing tool for SSTI detection and exploitation, which allows more advanced exploitation. Sandbox break-out techniques came …

Rekono : Execute Full Pentesting Processes Combining Multiple Hacking Tools Automatically

Rekono combines other hacking tools and its results to execute complete pentesting processes against a target in an automated way. The findings obtained during the executions will be sent to the user via email or Telegram notifications and also can be imported in Defect-Dojo if an advanced vulnerability management is needed. Moreover, Rekono includes a Telegram bot that …

BlackStone : Pentesting Reporting Tool

BlackStone project or “BlackStone Project” is a tool created in order to automate the work of drafting and submitting a report on audits of ethical hacking or pentesting. In this tool we can register in the database the vulnerabilities that we find in the audit, classifying them by internal, external audit or wifi, in addition, …

Viper : Intranet Pentesting Tool With Webui

Viper is a graphical intranet penetration tool, which modularizes and weaponizes the tactics and technologies commonly used in the process of Intranet penetration Viper integrates basic functions such as bypass anti-virus software, intranet tunnel, file management, command line and so on Viper has integrated 80+ modules, covering Resource Development / Initial Access / Execution / …

SMB AutoRelay : Automation Of SMB/NTLM Relay Technique For Pentesting & Red Teaming Exercises

SMB AutoRelay provides the automation of SMB/NTLM Relay technique for pentesting and red teaming exercises in active directory environments. Usage Syntax: ./ -i <interface> -t <file> [-q] [-d]. Example: ./ -i eth0 -t ./targets.txt. Notice that the targets file should contain just the IP addresses of each target, one per line, to which you want …

DroneSploit : Drone Pentesting Framework Console

DroneSploit CLI framework is based on sploitkit and is an attempt to gather hacking techniques and exploits especially focused on drone hacking. For the ease of use, the interface has a layout that looks like Metasploit. Black Hat Europe Arsenal 2019 presentation Also see articles: Black Hat Europe: New tool offers Metasploit-like framework for hacking …

Evil-Winrm : The Ultimate WinRM Shell For Hacking/Pentesting

Evil-WinRM is the ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting. WinRM (Windows Remote Management) is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocol. A standard SOAP based protocol that allows hardware and operating systems from different vendors to interoperate. Microsoft included it in their Operating Systems in order to make life easier to system administrators. This program can be …

HomePWN : Swiss Army Knife for Pentesting of IoT Devices

HomePwn is a framework that provides features to audit and pentesting devices that company employees can use in their day-to-day work and inside the same working environment. It is designed to find devices in the home or office, take advantage of certain vulnerabilities to read or send data to those devices. With a strong library …

Penta : Open Source All-In-One CLI Tool To Automate Pentesting

Penta is is Pentest automation tool using Python3. It provides advanced features such as metasploit and nexpose to extract vuln info found on specific servers. Installation Install requirements penta requires the following packages. Python3.7 pipenv Resolve python package dependency. $ pipenv install If you dislike pipenv… $ pip install -r requirements.txt Also Read – ThreadBoat …

Evil WinRM : The Ultimate WinRM Shell For Hacking/Pentesting

Evil WinRM is the ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting. WinRM (Windows Remote Management) is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocol. A standard SOAP based protocol that allows hardware and operating systems from different vendors to interoperate. Microsoft included it in their Operating Systems in order to make life easier to system administrators. This program can …