Linux Smart Enumeration : Tool For Pentesting & CTFs With Verbosity Levels

Linux Smart Enumeration is a tool for pentesting and CTFs with verbosity levels. This script will show relevant information about the security of the local Linux system. It has 3 levels of verbosity so you can control how much information you see. In the default level you should see the highly important security flaws in …

Maintaining Access to a Linux Machine Using Cymothoa – Post Exploitation

Cymothoa is a post-exploitation tool. It can be used to maintain access to an exploited system. Cymothoa injects a variety of shellcodes to running processes in a system. Almost all nix systems most of the Linux variants can be backdoored with cymothoa. Cymothoa uses ptrace library in nix systems to evaluate running processes & inject …

Reaver + PixieWPS – Tool to Bruteforce the WPS of a WiFi Router

Reaver is a tool to brute-force the WPS of a WIFi router. PixeWPS is a new tool to brute-force the exchanging keys during a WPS transaction. First, let’s get to know what is WPS WPS is Wifi Protected Setup designed to quickly & easily authenticate a client to an AP mainly aimed for home users. …

How to use Masscan to Enumerate Large Number of Hosts Quickly

Masscan has been around for some time now and already it’s in use by pentesters all around. It’s a reconnaissance tool which can transmit up to 10 million packets per second. It uses asynchronous transmission & a custom TCP/IP stack. So different threads are used for transmission & reception of packets. Masscan can be used to enumerate a …

WiFi Stress Testing Using MDK3, Beacon Flooding & Deauthentication Attack.

MDK3 is a proof of concept tool. It is used for stress testing 802.11 networks(wifi). It consists of various methods by which we can perform tests. Some of major method sare beacon flooding, deauthentication, WPA- dos etc. In pentests mdk is used for testing the network infrastructures having 802.11 implementations and ensuring compliance standards. Options …

Best Free Hacking Books PDF Related To Security and Pentesting

E-books security is an articulation that was made when the term digital book was first utilized, possibly around 1999. Here is the list of free Hacking Books PDF. Today it can be hard to perceive any distinction between the two, despite the fact that Adobe and Amazon may be the greatest clients of the term …

More Core Changes in Kali Sana (V 2.0)

More Linux Core Changes in Kali Sana are to be noticed. (Also applies to Other Latest Linux Distros) Recently, some core changes & tweaks were introduced to the Linux architecture & Kernel itself. This article gives an introduction to some of them. Although this focuses on Kali Linux, people using other Linux versions also can …


Simple Bluetooth Discovery with Bluelog Bluelog is a simple Bluetooth scanner that is designed to essentially do just one thing, log all the discoverable devices in the area. It is intended to be used as a site survey tool, identifying the number of possible Bluetooth targets there are in the surrounding environment. This tool only …