SMB AutoRelay provides the automation of SMB/NTLM Relay technique for pentesting and red teaming exercises in active directory environments.


Syntax: ./ -i <interface> -t <file> [-q] [-d].

Example: ./ -i eth0 -t ./targets.txt.

Notice that the targets file should contain just the IP addresses of each target, one per line, to which you want to try the SMB/NTLM Relay technique.

Run ./ [-h] to see other options.

  • Software which installs in the current directory [needed to run properly]
  • Software which installs through apt, if not installed [needed to run properly]
    • tmux
    • rlwrap
    • python
    • python3
    • netcat
    • wget
    • xterm
    • net-tools


  • Add the possibility to capture and crack the NetNTLM hashes.
  • Addapt it to use terminal profiles


I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE OF THE MISUSE OF THIS TOOL. YOU RUN IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Before running it, make sure you are in a controlled environment, and where you are allowed to perform this kind of exercise. PLEASE BE KIND 🙂