Nipe : An Engine To Make Tor Network Your Default Gateway

Nipe is an engine to make Tor Network your default gateway. The Tor project allows users to surf the Internet, chat and send instant messages anonymously through its own mechanism. It is used by a wide variety of people, companies and organizations, both for lawful activities and for other illicit purposes. Tor has been largely …

SMBeagle : Fileshare Auditing Tool That Hunts Out All Files It Can See In The Network And Reports If The File Can Be Read And/Or Written

SMBeagle is an (SMB) file share auditing tool that hunts out all files it can see in the network and reports if the file can be read and/or written. All these findings are streamed out to either a CSV file or an elastic search host, or both!?  SMBeagle tries to make use of the win32 …

Cerbrutus : Network Brute Force Tool, Written In Python

Cerbrutus is a Modular brute force tool written in Python, for very fast password spraying SSH, and FTP and in the near future other network services. COMING SOON: SMB, HTTP(s) POST, HTTP(s) GET, HTTP BASIC AUTH Thanks to @0dayctf, Rondons, Enigma, and 001 for testing and contributing Installation cd /optgit clone Usage python3 /opt/cerbrutus/ –helpusage: …

Cerbrutus : Network Brute Force Tool, Written In Python

Cerbrutus is a Modular brute force tool written in Python, for very fast password spraying SSH, and FTP and in the near future other network services. COMING SOON: SMB, HTTP(s) POST, HTTP(s) GET, HTTP BASIC AUTH Thanks to @0dayctf, Rondons, Enigma, and 001 for testing and contributing Installation cd /optgit clone Usage python3 /opt/cerbrutus/ –helpusage: …

CamOver : A Camera Exploitation Tool That Allows To Disclosure Network Camera Admin Password

CamOver is a camera exploitation tool that allows to disclosure network camera admin password. Features Exploits vulnerabilities in most popular camera models such as CCTV, GoAhead and Netwave. Optimized to exploit multiple cameras at one time from list with threading enabled. Simple CLI and API usage. Installation pip3 install git+ Basic Usage To use it just type camover in your terminal. …

Etherblob Explorer : Search And Extract Blob Files On The Ethereum Blockchain Network

EtherBlob Explorer is a tool intended for researchers, analysts, CTF players or anyone curious enough wanting to search for different kinds of files or any meaningful human-supplied data on the Ethereum Blockchain Network. It searches over a user-supplied range of block IDs or UNIX timestamps on any of the 5 available networks: MainNet, Görli, Kovan, …

CyberBattleSim : An Experimentation And Research Platform To Investigate

CyberBattleSim is an experimentation research platform to investigate the interaction of automated agents operating in a simulated abstract enterprise network environment. The simulation provides a high-level abstraction of computer networks and cyber security concepts. Its Python-based Open AI Gym interface allows for training of automated agents using reinforcement learning algorithms. The simulation environment is parameterized …

CANalyse : A Vehicle Network Analysis And Attack Tool

CANalyse is a tool built to analyze the log files to find out unique datasets automatically and able to connect to simple user interfaces such as Telegram. Basically, while using this tool the attacker can provide a bot-ID and use the tool over the internet through telegram-bot. CANalyse is made to be placed inside a …

Netmap.Js : Fast Browser-Based Network Discovery Module

netmap.js provides browser-based host discovery and port scanning capabilities to allow you to map website visitors’ networks. It’s quite fast, making use of es6-promise-pool to efficiently run the maximum number of concurrent connections browsers will allow. Motivation I needed a browser-based port scanner for an idea I was working on. I thought it would be …

Chameleon : Customizable Honeypots For Monitoring Network Traffic

Chameleon is a customizable honeypots for monitoring network traffic, bots activities and username\password credentials (DNS, HTTP Proxy, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, POP3, IMAP, STMP, RDP, VNC, SMB, SOCKS5, Redis, TELNET and Postgres and MySQL). Grafana Interface NMAP Scan Credentials Monitoring General Features Modular approach (honeypots run as scripts or imported as objects) Most honeypots serve as …