Etherblob Explorer : Search And Extract Blob Files On The Ethereum Blockchain Network

EtherBlob Explorer is a tool intended for researchers, analysts, CTF players or anyone curious enough wanting to search for different kinds of files or any meaningful human-supplied data on the Ethereum Blockchain Network. It searches over a user-supplied range of block IDs or UNIX timestamps on any of the 5 available networks: MainNet, Görli, Kovan, …

Theo : Ethereum Recon And Exploitation Tool

Theo aims to be an exploitation framework and a blockchain recon and interaction tool. Features Automatic smart contract scanning which generates a list of possible exploits. Sending transactions to exploit a smart contract. Transaction pool monitor. Web3 console Frontrunning and backrunning transactions. Waiting for a list of transactions and sending out others. Estimating gas for …

Echidna : Ethereum Fuzz Testing Framework

Echidna is a weird creature that eats bugs and is highly electrosensitive (with apologies to Jacob Stanley) More seriously, Echidna is a Haskell library designed for fuzzing/property-based testing of EVM code. It supports relatively sophisticated grammar-based fuzzing campaigns to falsify a variety of predicates. Features Generates inputs tailored to your actual code Optional coverage guidance …