ICMPWatch – Advanced Sniffing & Analysis of ICMP Packets

ICMP Packet Sniffer is a Python program that allows you to capture and analyze ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets on a network interface. It provides detailed information about the captured packets, including source and destination IP addresses, MAC addresses, ICMP type, payload data, and more. The program can also store the captured packets in …

Naabu – Fast and Efficient Port Scanner

Naabu is a powerful port scanning utility designed in the Go programming language, enabling fast and efficient port enumeration. Designed to swiftly detect valid ports on various hosts, this tool is optimized to perform SYN, CONNECT, and UDP scans. With its comprehensive feature set, Naabu not only lists ports that offer a reply but is …

Burp Suite Tutorial – A Web Application Penetration Testing Tool – Beginners Guide

In this Burp Suite Tutorial, we are going to elaborately describe the Burp Suite tool and its features that are bundled in a single suite made for Web Application Security assessment as well as Penetration testing. It’s a java executable and hence it’s cross-platform. Kali Linux comes with Burp Suite free edition installed. There is …

SIEM – Security Information and Event Management Tools – A Beginner’s Guide

What is a SIEM? SIEM, when expanded, becomes Security Information Event Management. As its name suggests,  the primary function of a SIEM is Event management. The SIEM solution, once implemented completely & effectively, will have complete visibility over an organization’s network. This helps administrators and SIEM operators to monitor network activity in their infrastructure. But …

What to Look for in the Right SOC Program – A Complete Guide

SOC stands for “security operations center”, and it’s important to every business, no matter what it’s size. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business, everyone needs some kind of SOC program to keep everything secure, which means finding the right program for your needs. A very small business may use a few applications …

Docker Security Playground : A Microservices-Based Framework For The Study Of Network Security & Penetration Test Techniques

Docker Security Playground is an application that allows you to: Create network and network security scenarios, in order to understand network protocols, rules, and security issues by installing DSP in your PC. Learn penetration testing techniques by simulating vulnerability labs scenarios Manage a set of docker-compose project . Main goal of DSP is to learn …

Aircrack-NG : WiFi Security Auditing Tools Suite

Aircrack-ng is a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security. It focuses on different areas of WiFi security: Monitoring: Packet capture and export of data to text files for further processing by third party tools. Attacking: Replay attacks, deauthentication, fake access points and others via packet injection. Testing: Checking WiFi cards and driver …

Discover IPv6 Network Range & Hosts from an IPv6 Enabled Network Using passive_discovery6

Passive_discovery6 passively sniffs the network and dump all client’s IPv6 addresses detected. Passive_discovery6 simply sniffs for the neighbor-advertisement packet in IPv6 networks. You have to understand the basics of IPv6 networks first. Assuming that you know about IPv4 and what an ARP is, neighbor-advertisement & neighbor-solicitation packets replace the ARP(IPv4) in IPv6. A neighbor-solicitation is the …

Aircrack-NG : Complete Suite Tools To Assess WiFi Network Security

Aircrack-ng is a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security. It focuses on different areas of WiFi security: Monitoring: Packet capture and export of data to text files for further processing by third party tools. Attacking: Replay attacks, DE-authentication, fake access points and others via packet injection. Testing: Checking WiFi cards and driver …

Tcpflow – To Monitor, Capture & Dump Packets

Tcpflow is a TCP/IP Demultiplexer. Tcpflow is used to record traffic mainly between 2 hosts although it can be used to monitor thousands of connections. Tcpflow differs from other tools by actually capturing the real data and dumping it to a file we specify. It can be then further used for other analysis purposes. One …