Moniorg – Passive Monitoring via Certificate Transparency

Description Moniorg is a cutting-edge tool that uses Certificate Transparency logs to let you keep an eye on things without being noticed. With this tool, security experts can keep track of new names that are linked to an organization’s SSL certificates. This gives them a unique look into the organization’s infrastructure. By using the power …

HTTP-Shell: Multiplatform Reverse Connection Tool

HTTP-Shell is a multiplatform reverse shell. This tool helps you obtain a shell-like interface on a reverse connection over HTTP. Unlike other reverse shells, the main goal of the tool is to be used in conjunction with Microsoft Dev Tunnels in order to get a connection as close as possible to a legitimate one. This shell …

Naabu – Fast and Efficient Port Scanner

Naabu is a powerful port scanning utility designed in the Go programming language, enabling fast and efficient port enumeration. Designed to swiftly detect valid ports on various hosts, this tool is optimized to perform SYN, CONNECT, and UDP scans. With its comprehensive feature set, Naabu not only lists ports that offer a reply but is …

Anti-Qakbot – Disabling The Malicious Threat

Kill a live running QAKbot on an infected machine. More on this : Operation Duckhunt : Field Testing the FBI’s Anti-Qakbot Payload (C) Raashid Bhat In the constantly changing world of online threats, Qakbot has become a powerful foe. This malware has caused problems on many systems because it stays around and does damage. But there …

Burp Suite Sharpener – Advanced Features & Installation Guide

A versatile tool designed to enhance both the UI and functionality of Burp Suite, streamlining your cybersecurity testing experience. Compatible exclusively with Burp Suite version 2023.10-22956 and above, this extension offers features such as theming, streamlined tab navigation, screenshot capabilities, and much more. Built upon the legacy of the original Burp Suite Sharpener project, this …

PwnFox – A Firefox/Burp Extension For Security Audit

PwnFox is a Firefox/Burp extension that provide usefull tools for your security audit. If you are a chrome user you can check Features Single click BurpProxy Connect to Burp with a simple click, this will probably remove the need for other addons like foxyProxy. However if you need the extra features provided by foxyProxy you …