GasMasK is a versatile open-source tool designed for extensive information gathering and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) operations.

It seamlessly integrates various functionalities to probe domains, social media, and more, using a multitude of data sources like Shodan, Censys, and DNS records.

Licensed under GPLv3, GasMasK v2.0 offers a robust framework for cybersecurity professionals and researchers.

Dive into the capabilities of GasMasK and enhance your intelligence collection efforts efficiently.


  • Python 3.x
  • validators
  • python-whois
  • dnspython
  • requests
  • shodan
  • censys
  • mmap
  • pprint

Information Gathering

  • ask
  • bing
  • crt
  • dns
  • dnsdumpster
  • dogpile
  • github
  • google
  • googleplus
  • instagram
  • linkedin
  • netcraft
  • pgp
  • reddit
  • reverse dns
  • shodan
  • twitter
  • vhosts
  • virustotal
  • whois
  • yahoo
  • yandex
  • youtube
  • spyse


sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt


___________              .__                _________              
\__    ___/_  _  __ ____ |  |___  __ ____  /   _____/ ____   ____  
  |    |  \ \/ \/ // __ \|  |\  \/ // __ \ \_____  \_/ __ \_/ ___\ 
  |    |   \     /\  ___/|  |_\   /\  ___/ /        \  ___/\  \___ 
  |____|    \/\_/  \___  >____/\_/  \___  >_______  /\___  >\___  >
                       \/               \/        \/     \/     \/ 

GasMasK v. 2.0 - All in one Information gathering tool - OSINT
GasMasK is an open source tool licensed under GPLv3.
Written by: @maldevel, mikismaos, xvass, ndamoulianos, sbrb
Please visit for more..

usage: [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-s NAMESERVER] [-x PROXY] [-l LIMIT]
                  [-i MODE] [-o BASENAME] [-k API-KEY] [-e SPYSE_API_KEY]
                  [-m MATCH] [-f FILTER] [--count] [-R REPORT]
                  [-B REPORT_BUCKET] [-1 CENSYS_API_ID] [-2 CENSYS_API_SECRET]
                  [-r] [-u] [-a ASN] [-c COUNTRY] [-O CERT_ORG]
                  [-I CERT_ISSUER] [-z CERT_HOST] [-S HTTP_SERVER]
                  [-t HTML_TITLE] [-b HTML_BODY] [-T TAGS] [-L LIMIT] [-D]
                  [-v] [-H]
                  [arguments [arguments ...]]

positional arguments:
  arguments             Censys query

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        Domain to search.
                        DNS server to use.
  -x PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        Use a proxy server when retrieving results from search engines (eg. '-x')
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        Limit the number of search engine results (default: 100).
  -i MODE, --info MODE  Limit information gathering (basic,nongoogle,whois,dns,revdns,vhosts,google,bing,yahoo,ask,dogpile,yandex,linkedin,twitter,youtube,reddit,github,instagram,crt,pgp,netcraft,virustotal,dnsdump,shodan,censys,spyse).
  -o BASENAME, --output BASENAME
                        Output in the four major formats at once (markdown, txt, xml and html).
  -k API-KEY, --shodan-key API-KEY
                        API key to use with Shodan search (MODE="shodan")
  -e SPYSE_API_KEY, --spyse-key SPYSE_API_KEY
  -m MATCH, --match MATCH
                        Highlight a string within an existing query result
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Filter the JSON keys to display for each result, use value 'help' for interesting fields
  --count               Print the count result and exit
  -R REPORT, --report REPORT
                        Stats on given field (use value 'help' for listing interesting fields)'
                        Bucket len in report mode (default: 10)
  -1 CENSYS_API_ID, --censys_api_id CENSYS_API_ID
                        Provide the authentication ID for the search engine
  -2 CENSYS_API_SECRET, --censys_api_secret CENSYS_API_SECRET
                        Provide the secret hash for the search engine
  -r, --read_api_keys   Read the API Keys stored in api_keys.txt file. (e.g. '-i censys -r')
  -u, --update_api_keys
                        Update the API Keys stored in api_keys.txt file. (e.g. '-i censys -u')
  -a ASN, --asn ASN     Filter with ASN (e.g 5408 for GR-NET AS)
  -c COUNTRY, --country COUNTRY
                        Filter with country
  -O CERT_ORG, --cert-org CERT_ORG
                        Certificate issued to organization
  -I CERT_ISSUER, --cert-issuer CERT_ISSUER
                        Certificate issued by organization
  -z CERT_HOST, --cert-host CERT_HOST
                        hostname Certificate is issued to
  -S HTTP_SERVER, --http-server HTTP_SERVER
                        Server header
  -t HTML_TITLE, --html-title HTML_TITLE
                        Filter on html page title
  -b HTML_BODY, --html-body HTML_BODY
                        Filter on html body content
  -T TAGS, --tags TAGS  Filter on specific tags. e.g: -T tag1,tag2,... (use keyword 'list' to list usual tags
  -L LIMIT, --Limit LIMIT
                        Limit to N results
  -D, --debug           Debug information
  -v, --verbose         Print raw JSON records
  -H, --html            Renders html elements in a browser

For more information click here.


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