LDAP shell repository contains a small tool inherited from ldap_shell. Installation These tools are only compatible with Python 3.5+. Clone…
Poro is a tool to Scan for publicly accessible assets on your AWS environment Services covered by this tool: AWS…
Uncover is a go wrapper using APIs of well known search engines to quickly discover exposed hosts on the internet. It…
Skanuvaty is Dangerously fast dns/network/port scanner, all-in-one. Start with a domain, and we'll find everything about it. Features Finds subdomains…
Octosuite is an open-source lightweight yet advanced osint framework that targets Github users and organizations. With over 10+ features, octosuite…
Gitbleed_Tools, this repo contains shell scripts that can be used to download and analyze differences between cloned and mirror Git…
Hcltm is a tool for Documenting Your Threat Models With HCL. There are many different ways in which a threat…
KNX-Bus-Dump is a popular building automation protocol and is used to interconnect sensors, actuators and other components of a smart…
ScheduleRunner is a Scheduled task is one of the most popular attack technique in the past decade and now it…
Tiktok-Scraper is used to Scrape and download useful information from TikTok. This is not an official API support and etc.…