RAUDI : A Repo To Automatically Generate And Keep Updated A Series Of Docker Images

3 years ago

RAUDI (Regularly and Automatically Updated Docker Images) automatically generates and keep updated a series of Docker Images through GitHub Actions for tools that are not…

SpoofThatMail : Bash Script To Check If A Domain Or List Of Domains Can Be Spoofed Based In DMARC Records

3 years ago

SpoofThatMail is a Bash script to check if a domain or list of domains can be spoofed based in DMARC…

WannaRace : WebApp Intentionally Made Vulnerable To Race Condition For Practicing Race Condition

3 years ago

WannaRace is a WebApp intentionally made vulnerable to Race Condition Description Race Condition vulnerability can be practiced in the developed…

PasteMonitor : Scrape Pastebin API To Collect Daily Pastes, Setup A Wordlist And Be Alerted By Email When You Have A Match

3 years ago

PasteMonitor is a Scrape Pastebin API to collect daily pastes, setup a wordlist and be alerted by email when you…

LACheck : Multithreaded C# .NET Assembly Local Administrative Privilege Enumeration

3 years ago

LACheck is a Multithreaded C# .NET Assembly Local Administrative Privilege Enumeration. Arguments ./LACheck.exe help _ _ _ | | /\…

Shellcode-Encryptor : A Simple Shell Code Encryptor/Decryptor/Executor To Bypass Anti Virus

3 years ago

Shellcode-Encryptor is a simple shell code encryptor/decryptor/executor to bypass anti virus. Note: I have completely redone the work flow for creating…

Mortar : Evasion Technique To Defeat And Divert Detection And Prevention Of Security Products (AV/EDR/XDR)

3 years ago

Mortar is a red teaming evasion technique to defeat and divert detection and prevention of security products. Mortar Loader performs…

RCLocals : Linux Startup Analyzer

3 years ago

RCLocals is inspired by 'Autoruns' from Sysinternals, RCLocals analyzes all Linux startup possibilities to find backdoors, also performs process integrity…

Log4J-Detect : Script To Detect The “Log4j” Java Library Vulnerability For A List Of URLs With Multithreading

3 years ago

Log4J-Detect is a script "log4j-detect.py" developed in Python 3 is responsible for detecting whether a list of URLs are vulnerable…

Rustpad : Multi-Threaded Padding Oracle Attacks Against Any Service

3 years ago

Rustpad is a multi-threaded successor to the classic padbuster, written in Rust. It abuses a Padding Oracle vulnerability to decrypt any cypher text or…