Pwncat : Fancy Reverse And Bind Shell Handler

3 years ago

Pwncat is a post-exploitation platform for Linux targets. It started out as a wrapper around basic bind and reverse shells and…

Webstor : A Script To Quickly Enumerate All Websites Across All Of Your Organization’s Networks

3 years ago

Webstor is a tool implemented in Python under the MIT license for quickly enumerating all websites across all of your…

SharpML : Machine Learning Network Share Password Hunting Toolkit

3 years ago

SharpML is a proof of concept file share data mining tool using Machine Learning in Python and C#. The tool…

Data Protection: Why is it Crucial in 2022

3 years ago

Data protection is highly important in 2022 to avoid becoming a victim of online scams, losing any stored data, and…

Kodex : A Privacy And Security Engineering Toolkit: Discover, Understand, Pseudonymize, Anonymize, Encrypt And Securely Share Sensitive And Personal Data: Privacy And Security As Code

3 years ago

Kodex (Community Edition - CE) is an open-source toolkit for privacy and security engineering. It helps you to automate data security and…

LittleCorporal : A C# Automated Maldoc Generator

3 years ago

LittleCorporal accepts a user-supplied argument for a process to inject into on a remote machine, in which you plan to execute the…

SharpSpray : Active Directory Password Spraying Tool. Auto Fetches User List And Avoids Potential Lockouts

3 years ago

SharpSpray is a C# port of Domain Password Spray with enhanced and extra capabilities. This tool uses LDAP Protocol to communicate with…

Cloudquery : Transforms Your Cloud Infrastructure Into SQL Database For Easy Monitoring, Governance And Security

3 years ago

Cloudquery extracts the configuration and metadata of your infrastructure and transforms it into a relational SQL database. This allows you…

StreamDivert : Redirecting (Specific) TCP, UDP And ICMP Traffic To Another Destination

3 years ago

StreamDivert is a tool to man-in-the-middle or relay in and outgoing network connections on a system. It has the ability…

JadedWraith : Light-weight UNIX Backdoor

3 years ago

JadedWraith is a Lightweight UNIX backdoor for ethical hacking. Useful for red team engagements and CTFs. Something I wrote a…