KnockOutlook is a C# project that interacts with Outlook's COM object in order to perform a number of operations useful…
Assless-CHAPs is an efficient way to recover the NT hash used in a MSCHAPv2/NTLMv1 exchange if you have the challenge…
403bypasser automates the techniques used to circumvent access control restrictions on target pages. 403bypasser will continue to be improved and it is open…
SigFlip is a tool for patching authenticode signed PE files (exe, dll, sys ..etc) in a way that doesn't affect…
Fpicker is a Frida-based fuzzing suite that offers a variety of fuzzing modes for in-process fuzzing, such as an AFL++…
TIGMINT is an OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) software framework with an objective of making cyber investigations more convinient by implementing abstraction mechanisms…
PEzor is a Open-Source Shellcode And PE Packer. Installation The is designed to work on a Kali Linux distro. $ git…
Reg1c1de is a tool that scans specified registry hives and reports on any keys where the user has write permissions…
Ligolo-Ng is a simple, lightweight and fast tool that allows pentesters to establish tunnels from a reverse TCP/TLS connection without the need of SOCKS. Features Tun…
MEAT aims to help forensicators perform different kinds of acquisitions on iOS devices (and Android in the future). Requirements to…