Shodan Eye : Tool Collects All The Information About All Devices Directly Connected To The Internet

5 years ago

Shodan Eye tool collects all information about all devices that are directly connected to the internet with the specified keywords…

Pyrdp : MITM & Library For Python 3 With The Ability To Watch Connections Live Or After The Fact

6 years ago

PyRDP is a Python 3 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) and library. It features a few tools: RDP Man-in-the-MiddleLogs…

Grapl : Graph platform for Detection and Response

6 years ago

Grapl is a Graph Platform for Detection and Response. In short, Grapl will take raw logs, convert them into graphs,…

Metame : Metamorphic Code Engine For Arbitrary Executables

6 years ago

Metame is a simple metamorphic code engine for arbitrary executable. Metamorphic code is code that when run outputs a logically…

GitGraber : Monitor GitHub To Search & Find Sensitive Data

6 years ago

GitGraber is a tool developed in Python3 to monitor GitHub to search and find sensitive data in real time for…

FileGPS : A Tool That Help You To Guess How Your Shell Was Renamed

6 years ago

FileGPS is a tool that uses various techniques to find the new filename, after the server-side script renamed and saved…

ActiveReign : A Network Enumeration & Attack Toolset

6 years ago

ActiveReign is a network enumeration and attack toolset.A while back I was challenged to write a discovery tool with Python3…

Revshellgen : Reverse Shell Generator Written In Python

6 years ago

Revshellgen is a standalone python script for generating reverse shells easily and automating the boring stuff like URL encoding the…

LMYN : Lets Map Your Network To Visualise Your Physical Network

6 years ago

LMYN or Lets Map Your Network enables you to visualise your physical network in form of graph with zero manual…

OpenCti : Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform

6 years ago

OpenCTI is an open source platform allowing organizations to manage their cyber threat intelligence knowledge and observables. It has been…