Wordlister is a simple wordlist generator and mangler written in python. It makes use of python multiprocessing capabilities in order…
Barq is a post-exploitation framework that allows you to easily perform attacks on a running AWS infrastructure. It allows you…
Telegra Csharp C2 is a tool for command and control for C# Writing. TelegramBotClient allows you to use a proxy…
This is an extension for Burp Suite designed to help you launch HTTP Request Smuggler attacks, originally created during HTTP Desync Attacks research. It…
B-XSSRF is a toolkit to detect and keep track on Blind XSS, XXE & SSRF. Read More - RedHunt OS…
Using 0xsp mongoose you will be able to scan targeted operating system for any possible way for privilege escalation attacks,starting…
Constellation is a graph-focused data visualisation and interactive analysis application enabling data access, federation and manipulation capabilities across large and…
Hashcatch deauthenticates clients connected to all nearby WiFi networks and tries to capture the handshakes. It can be used in…
In today’s day and age, running a business means using complex technological systems. That’s both a good and a bad…
Nuages aims at being a C2 framework in which back end elements are open source, whilst implants and handlers must…