VBScan – OWASP Is A Black Box vBulletin Vulnerability Scanner

6 years ago

OWASP VBScan (short for [VB]ulletin Vulnerability [Scan]ner) is an opensource project in perl programming language to detect VBulletin CMS vulnerabilities…

PwnBack – Burp Extender Plugin That Generates A Sitemap Of A Website Using Wayback Machine

6 years ago

PwnBack requires PhantomJS to run. To understand why it is required currently see the section PhantomsJS. The plugin has several…

Headless Burp – Automate security tests using Burp Suite

6 years ago

Headless Burp provides an extension to Burp that allows you to run Burp Suite's Spider and Scanner tools in headless…

Firework – Tool To Interact With Microsoft Workplaces Creating Valid Files

6 years ago

Firework is a proof of concept tool to interact with Microsoft Workplaces creating valid files required for the provisioning process.…

HUNT – Burp Suite Pro/Free and OWASP ZAP Extensions

6 years ago

HUNT Suite is a collection of Burp Suite Pro/Free and OWASP ZAP extensions. Identifies common parameters vulnerable to certain vulnerability…

MalwareCMDMonitor – Shows Command Lines Used By Latest Instances Analyzed On Hybrid-Analysis

6 years ago

By using MalwareCMDMonitor python script, you can observe the commands of the latest malware instances executed on hybrid-analysis.com sandbox. In…

SQLMap v1.2.9 – Automatic SQL Injection & Database Takeover Tool

6 years ago

SQLMap v1.2.9 is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and…

Peda – Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB

6 years ago

PEDA is a python exploit development assistance for GDB. Features Enhance the display of gdb: colorize and display disassembly codes,…

KisMac2 – Free Open Source Wireless Stumbling & Security Tool For Mac OS X

6 years ago

KisMAC2 is a free, open source wireless stumbling and security tool for Mac OS X. This project, is an active…

Java-Stager : A PoC To Download, Compile & Execute A Java File In Memory

6 years ago

A PoC Java-Stager which can download, compile, and execute a Java file in memory. The key parts of the talk…