Flashsploit is an Exploitation Framework for Attacks using ATtiny85 HID Devices such as Digispark USB Development Board, flashsploit generates Arduino…
Versionscan is a tool for evaluating your currently installed PHP version and checking it against known CVEs and the versions…
XSSCon is a simple XSS Scanner tool and a powerful XSS scanner made in python 3.7. Installing Requirements: BeautifulSoup4 pip…
Scavenger crawler (Bot) searching for credential leaks on different paste sites. Just the code of my OSINT bot searching for…
Companies, whether small, large, or enterprise-level organizations face their fair share of challenges at any given time. Currently, many of…
OSIF is an accurate Facebook account information gathering, all sensitive information can be easily gathered even though the target converts…
Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code. To do this it processes each file,…
Brutemap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates testing accounts to the site's login page, based on Dictionary Attack.…
Intrigue Core is a framework for external attack surface discovery and automated OSINT. There are a number of use cases:…
SpiderFoot is an open source intelligence (OSINT) automation tool. Its goal is to automate the process of gathering intelligence about…