SecureTea Project : OWASP Application Designed To Help Secure Unauthorised Access

6 years ago

The OWASP SecureTea Project is an application designed to help secure a person's laptop or computer / server with IoT…

DeepSearch – Advanced Web Dir Scanner For Bruteforce

6 years ago

DeepSearch is a simple command line tool for bruteforce directories and files in websites. you can also use Dark web…

JWT Tool : A Toolkit For Testing, Tweaking & Cracking JSON Web Tokens

6 years ago

JWT Tool( is a toolkit for validating, forging and cracking JWTs (JSON Web Tokens). Its functionality includes: Checking the validity…

TrigMap : A Wrapper For Nmap To Automate The Pentest

6 years ago

Trigmap is a wrapper for Nmap. You can use it to easily start Nmap scan and especially to collect information…

Pown Recon : A Powerful Target Reconnaissance Framework Powered By Graph Theory

6 years ago

Pown Recon is a target reconnaissance framework powered by graph theory. The benefit of using graph theory instead of flat…

LNK-KISSER : AutoIt HackTool, Shortcuts.lnk Payloads Generator

6 years ago

LNK-KISSER is an autoIt hackTool, shortcuts.lnk payloads generator. Exploiting Powershell to make ShortCut Payloads [fud].There is too much of awsome…

Mquery : YARA Malware Query Accelerator

6 years ago

Mquery can be used to search through terabytes of malware in a blink of an eye: Ever had trouble searching…

Ph0neutria : Malware Zoo Builder That Sources Samples Straight From The Wild

6 years ago

Ph0neutria is a malware zoo builder that sources samples straight from the wild. Everything is stored in Viper for ease…

Ustealer : Steal Ubuntu Information In Local PC

6 years ago

Ustealer is a Ubuntu stealer, steal Ubuntu information in local PC. This tool is always good to go with the…

Pe-Sieve : Recognizes & Dumps A Variety Of Potentially Malicious Implants

6 years ago

PE-sieve is a light-weight tool that helps to detect malware running on the system, as well as to collect the potentially…