PureBlood – A Penetration Testing Framework created for Hackers / Pentester / Bug Hunter

6 years ago

PureBlood is a tool for penetration testing framework created for Hackers / Pentester / Bug Hunter. Thanks to Cr4sHCoD3 for…

Cloudmapper – Tool Helps To Analyze Your AWS Environments

6 years ago

CloudMapper helps you analyze your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments. The original purpose was to generate network diagrams and display…

CVE-Search : A Tool To Perform Local Searches For Known Vulnerabilities

6 years ago

CVE-Search is a tool to import CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) into a MongoDB to…

Armory – Tool To Take Lot Of External & Discovery Data

6 years ago

Armory is a tool meant to take in a lot of external and discovery data from a lot of tools,…

Rootless Jailbreakd – Jailbreakd Offering Some More Functionality To The Jailbreak

6 years ago

Rootless Jailbreakd is A small jailbreakd offering some more functionality to the jailbreak. Uses CPDisctributedMessageCenter. To compile you need theos…

Frisky – Tools To Assist Binary App Reversing & Augmentation

6 years ago

Frisky is an instruments to assist in binary application reversing and augmentation, geared towards walled gardens like iOS. Most, if…

Dejavu – Open Source Deception Framework

6 years ago

DejaVU is a open source deception framework. Deception techniques if deployed well can be very effective for organizations to improve…

Delta – SDN Security Evaluation & Penetration Testing Framework

6 years ago

DELTA is a penetration testing framework that regenerates known attack scenarios for diverse test cases. This framework also provides the…

Unicorn – Downgrade Attack & Inject Shellcode Straight into Memory

6 years ago

A unicorn is a simple tool for using a PowerShell downgrade attack and inject shellcode straight into memory. Based on…

Onion nmap To Scan Hidden Onion Services

6 years ago

Utilize nmap to scan hidden "onion" benefits on the Tor network. Insignificant picture in view of elevated, utilizing proxychains to…