EfiGuard – Disable PatchGuard and DSE at Boot Time

6 years ago

EfiGuard is a portable x64 UEFI bootkit that patches the Windows boot manager, boot loader and kernel at boot time…

FireELF : Fileless Linux Malware Framework

6 years ago

FireELF is a opensource fileless linux malware framework thats crossplatform and allows users to easily create and manage payloads. By…

Flashmingo : Automatic Analysis of SWF Files Based On Some Heuristics

6 years ago

FLASHMINGO is an analysis framework for SWF files. The tool automatically triages suspicious Flash files and guides the further analysis…

Platypus : A modern Multiple Reverse Shell Sessions Manager Written In Go

6 years ago

Platypus is a modern multiple reverse shell sessions/clients manager via terminal written in go. It include the following Multiple service…

SilkETW : Tool To Abstract Away The Complexities Of ETW

6 years ago

SilkETW is a flexible C# wrapper for ETW, it is meant to abstract away the complexities of ETW and give…

Monitor Smartphone usage with Cocospy Keylogger

6 years ago

No one can doubt the advantages that smartphones have.  For parents, you now have a dependable babysitter with your smart…

InstantBox : Get a Clean, Ready-To-Go Linux Box in Seconds

6 years ago

InstantBox is a project that spins up temporary Linux systems with instant webshell access from any browser. What can it…

Pepe : Collect Information About Email Addresses From Pastebin

6 years ago

Pepe is a tool to collect information about email addresses from Pastebin. Script parses Pastebin email:password dumps and gather information…

W12Scan : A Simple Asset Discovery Engine for Cybersecurity

6 years ago

W12Scan is a network asset discovery engine that can automatically aggregates related assets for analysis and use. W12scan is also…

TeleKiller : A Tools Session Hijacking And Stealer Local Passcode Telegram Windows

6 years ago

TeleKiller is a Tools Session Hijacking And Stealer Local passcode Telegram Windows and following are the features of the same.…