Hayat – Google Cloud Platform & Auditing & Hardening Script

6 years ago

Hayat tool used for Google Cloud Platform Auditing & Hardening Script. What does that mean Hayat? Well, I had a…

Secret Keeper : Python Script To Encrypt & Decrypt Files With A Given Key

6 years ago

Secret Keeper is a file encryptor written in python which encrypt your files using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). CBC Mode…

Lightbulb Framework : Tools For Auditing WAFS

6 years ago

LightBulb Framework is an open source python framework for auditing web application firewalls and filters. LightBulb Framework Synopsis The framework consists of…

PENTOL – Pentester Toolkit for Fiddler2 2018

6 years ago

PENTOL is a pentester Toolkit is built as a plugin for the Fiddler HTTP debugging proxy. Pentol Features CORS DETECTED…

theHarvester – Tool To Gather Email Address, Sub Domain and Hosts

6 years ago

“theHarvester Tool” is a simple and effective tool to gather the Email Address, Employee Names, Hostnames, Sub Domains, IP addresses,…

Triton – Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) Framework

6 years ago

Triton is a Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) framework. It provides internal components like a Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) engine, a…

GTRS – Google Translator Reverse Shell 2018

6 years ago

GTRS tools uses Google Translator as a proxy to send arbitrary commands to an infected machine. [INFECTED MACHINE] ==HTTPS==> [GOOGLE TRANSLATE] ==HTTP==>…

PyCPU – Central Processing Unit Information Gathering Tool

6 years ago

PyCPU tool you can access detailed information of your processor information. You can also check the security vulnerability based on…

XSS Fuzzer : Tool Which Generates XSS Payloads Based On User-Defined Vectors & Fuzzing Lists

6 years ago

XSS Fuzzer is a simple application written in plain HTML/JavaScript/CSS which generates XSS payloads based on user-defined vectors using multiple…

KBD-Audio : Tools For Capturing & Analysing Keyboard Input Paired With Microphone Capture

6 years ago

KBD-Audio is a collection of command-line and GUI tools for capturing and analyzing audio data. The most interesting tool is…