NodeJsScan – Static Security Code Scanner For Node.js Applications

6 years ago

NodeJsScan is a static security code scanner (SAST) for Node.js applications. Configure & Run Install Postgres and configure SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI in…

Vba2Graph – Generate Call Graphs From VBA Code For Easier Analysis Of Malicious Documents

6 years ago

Vba2Graph is a tool for security researchers, who waste their time analyzing malicious Office macros. Generates a VBA call graph,…

Ache – Web Crawler For Domain-Specific Search

6 years ago

ACHE is a focused web crawler. It collects web pages that satisfy some specific criteria, e.g., pages that belong to…

SSH Auditor – Scan For Weak SSH Passwords On Your Network

6 years ago

SSH Auditor is the best way to scan for weak ssh passwords on your network. SSH Auditor will automatically: Re-check…

Hassh : Tool Used To Identify Specific Client & Server SSH Implementations

6 years ago

HASSH is a network fingerprinting standard which can be used to identify specific Client and Server SSH implementations. The fingerprints…

Pastego – Scrape/Parse Pastebin Using GO & Expression Grammar

6 years ago

Pastego Scrape/Parse Pastebin using GO and grammar expression (PEG). Pastego Installation $ go get -u Also ReadHackertarget: Tools And…

CloudBunny – CloudBunny Is A Tool To Capture The Real IP Of The Server

6 years ago

CloudBunny is a tool to capture the real IP of the server that uses a WAF as a proxy or…

Osmedeus – Automatic Reconnaisance and Scanning in Penetration Testing

6 years ago

Osmedeus is a automatic Reconnaisance and Scanning in Penetration Testing. Osmedeus allow you to do boring stuff in Pentesting automatically…

BabySploit – Beginner Pentesting Toolkit/Framework Written in Python

6 years ago

BabySploit is a penetration testing toolkit aimed at making it easy to learn how to use bigger, more complicated frameworks…

Manticore : Symbolic Execution Tool

6 years ago

Manticore is a symbolic execution tool for analysis of binaries and smart contracts. Beginning with version 0.2.0, Python 3.6+ is…