BFuzz – Fuzzing Chrome & Firefox Browsers

6 years ago

BFuzz is an input based fuzzer tool which take .html as an input, open's up your browser with a new…

DarkSpiritz : A Penetration Testing Framework For Linux, MacOS, and Windows Systems

6 years ago

DarkSpiritz is a penetration testing framework for Linux and Windows systems. Created by the SynTel Team it was a project…

Killshot : Information gathering Tool

6 years ago

KillShot is a Penetration Testing Framework, Information gathering tool & Website Vulnerability Scanner. You Can use this tool to Spider…

PasteJacker : Hacking Systems With The Automation Of PasteJacking Attacks

6 years ago

PasteJacker the main purpose of the tool is automating (PasteJacking/Clipboard poisoning/whatever you name it) attack with collecting all the known…

XSStrike – Most Advanced XSS Detection Suite

6 years ago

XSStrike is a Cross Site Scripting detection suite equipped with four hand written parsers, an intelligent payload generator, a powerful…

Python-Nubia : A Command-Line & Interactive Shell Framework

6 years ago

Python-Nubia is a lightweight framework for building command-line applications with Python. It was originally designed for the “logdevice interactive shell…

Slither – Static Analyzer for Solidity

6 years ago

Slither is a Solidity static analysis framework written in Python 3. It runs a suite of vulnerability detectors, prints visual…

HttpLab : The Interactive Web Server

6 years ago

HttpLab is the interactive web server. HTTPLabs let you inspect HTTP requests and forge responses. HttpLab Installation Golang go get…

Telebix – Telebix is an application that communicates with a Bot on the Telegram to receive commands and send information from an infrastructure monitored by Zabbix

6 years ago

Telebix is an application that communicates with a Bot on the Telegram to receive commands and send information from an…

Shellcode-Encrypter-Decrypter : Shellcode Encrypter & Decrypter by using XOR Cipher

6 years ago

Shellcode-Encrypter-Decrypter is a Shellcode Encrypter & Decrypter, Using XOR Cipher to enc and dec shellcode. Shellcode-Encrypter-Decrypter Installation git clone…