Phantun is a project that obfuscated UDP packets into TCP connections. It aims to achieve maximum performance with minimum processing…
CobaltBus is a Cobalt Strike External C2 Integration With Azure Servicebus, C2 traffic via Azure Servicebus Setup Create an Azure…
Odin is a central IoC scanner based on Loki. General Info This application Loki latest version and download it on all…
Auto-Elevate tool demonstrates the power of UAC bypasses and built-in features of Windows. This utility auto-locates winlogon.exe, steals and impersonates it's…
Subdomains.Sh is a wrapper around tools used for subdomain enumeration, to automate the workflow, on a given domain, written in…
Slyther is AWS Security tool to check read/write/delete access for S3 buckets. Requirements aws-cli Installation pip3 install -r requirements.txt Usage…
Spring-Spel-0Day-Poc is spring-cloud/spring-cloud-function RCE EXP POC header"open -a") build wget v3.1.6.zipcd spring-cloud-function-3.1.6cd spring-cloud-function-samples/function-sample-pojomvn packagejava -jar ./target/function-sample-pojo-2.0.0.RELEASE.jar get path…
Cloak is a pluggable transport that enhances traditional proxy tools like OpenVPN to evade sophisticated censorship and data discrimination. Cloak is not a standalone proxy…
OffensiveNotion combines the capabilities of a post-exploitation agent with the power and comfort of the Notion notetaking application. The agent…
CVE-2022-27254 is a PoC for vulnerability in Honda's Remote Keyless System(CVE-2022-27254). Summary This is a proof of concept for CVE-2022-27254, wherein…