Cyber security

GSSAPI-Abuse : Leveraging Kerberos Stacks For Authentication Abuse

gssapi-abuse was released as part of my DEF CON 31 talk. A full write up on the abuse vector can…

8 months ago

DllNotificationInjection – Exploring A Novel Threadless Process Injection Technique

DllNotificationInection is a POC of a new “threadless” process injection technique that works by utilizing the concept of DLL Notification…

8 months ago

httpAlive – URL Analysis Tool For Web Application Penetration Test

Discover 'httpAlive,' a powerful URL analysis tool designed for web application penetration testing. With features like user-agent rotation, multithreading, and…

8 months ago

PwnDoc – Streamlining Pentest Reporting For Efficient Vulnerability Management

PwnDoc is a pentest reporting application making it simple and easy to write your findings and generate a customizable Docx…

8 months ago

Bypass Fuzzer – Exploring A Powerful Tool For Testing End Point Security

This tool performs various checks via headers, path normalization, verbs, etc. to attempt to bypass ACL's or URL validation. It…

8 months ago

SSH3 – Faster And Rich Secure Shell Using HTTP/3

SSH3 is a complete revisit of the SSH protocol, mapping its semantics on top of the HTTP mechanisms. In a…

8 months ago

EasyEASM : Your Zero-Dollar Solution For Attack Surface Management

Easy EASM is just that... the easiest to set-up tool to give your organization visibility into its external facing assets.…

8 months ago

PMKID WPA2 Cracker – Decrypting WPA2 WiFi Networks The Easy Way

This program is a tool written in Python to recover the pre-shared key of a WPA2 WiFi network without any…

8 months ago

CloudRecon – Uncovering Hidden Cloud Assets With SSL Certificate Analysis

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, red teamers and bug hunters are constantly seeking new tools to aid in their…

8 months ago

PipeViewer – Exploring Windows Named Pipes For Security And Permissions

PipeViewer is a GUI tool that allows users to view details about Windows Named pipes and their permissions. It is…

8 months ago