
Broken Droid Factory : Crafting Vulnerable APKs For Pen Testing And Security Training

BDF is a Python tool designed to spin-up pseudo random vulnerable Android applications for vulnerability research, ethical hacking, and pen…

2 hours ago

Compose StyleSheet: Revolutionizing UI Design in Jetpack Compose

Compose StyleSheet is an innovative framework designed to enhance user interface development in Jetpack Compose. Offering a versatile array of…

5 months ago

WhatsApp’s Task Hijacking Bug Explained

While reviewing the WhatsApp Android application, researchers identified a misconfiguration in AndroidManifest.xml related to task control features. This misconfiguration leads…

8 months ago

Pen Andro – An Automated Android Penetration Testing Tool

Introduction Pen-Andro Script will automate the process of installing all necessary tools & tasks for Android Pentesting i.e Moving Burpsuite…

1 year ago

Top 6 Stealthy Ways to Spy on Someone’s Text Messages Without Their Phone

We live in an era where people text more than they talk. It is also a very popular mode of…

4 years ago

7 Best Apps to Hack Girlfriend’s Phone to View Text Messages

Ever got a gut feeling that your girl is seeing someone else behind your back or cheating on you? That…

4 years ago

InjuredAndroid : A Vulnerable Android Application

InjuredAndroid is a vulnerable Android application with ctf examples based on bug bounty findings, exploitation concepts, and pure creativity. Setup…

4 years ago

The Dark Side of Free VPNs – Things You Must Know

Internet privacy should be everyone’s main concern, whether you use the internet just use for social media or internet banking,…

4 years ago

Monitor Smartphone usage with Cocospy Keylogger

No one can doubt the advantages that smartphones have.  For parents, you now have a dependable babysitter with your smart…

5 years ago