Cyber security

WELA (Windows Event Log Analyzer)

Windows Event Log Analyzer wants to be the Swiss Army knife of Windows event logs. At the moment, WELA's best…

1 year ago

Passwordless Authentication Should Become Mainstream by 2023

Since the days of Ancient Rome and Egypt, people have used passwords to authenticate and grant access. Nowadays, passwords are…

1 year ago

Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Using dSniff

A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack using dSniff, aims to bring down a computer system or network so that its intended users…

1 year ago

From Endpoint Management to Experience Management – UEM Does It The Best!

In recent years, organizations are increasingly championing the movement of employee satisfaction. Customer satisfaction, of course, is one of the…

1 year ago

Unlock Your Employees’ Potential: How UEM Can Help Achieve Employee Experience

In recent years, organizations are increasingly championing the movement of employee satisfaction. Customer satisfaction, of course, is one of the…

1 year ago

How to Use Social Engineering Toolkit(SET) – A Complete Guide

The Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) is a Kali Linux operating system software program. SET is a powerful tool for conducting…

1 year ago

How to Secure your Browsers from Malicious Extensions?

In the first half of 2022, 1.3 million users suffered data breaches because of harmful extensions. Malicious extensions are considered…

1 year ago

HackTools – All-in-one Red Team Browser Extension For Web Pentesters

The primary responsibility of red teaming is to assess malicious actors and attempt to breach the system genuinely. Red teaming's…

1 year ago

XSS Automation – Tool to Identify and Exploit cross-site scripting (XSS) Vulnerabilities

The XSS-Scanner is a tool designed to detect cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, widely recognized as among the most common and…

1 year ago

Cybersecurity 101: Understanding the Basics of Online Security

With the rise of technology connecting the world, the importance of online security has never been more imperative. Cybersecurity refers…

1 year ago