Upload_bypass,File upload restrictions bypass, by using different bug bounty techniques! POC video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quFoDysbDto&ab_channel=SagivMichael Installation: pip3 install -r requirements.txt Usage: upload_bypass.py…
OffensivePipeline allows you to download and build C# tools, applying certain modifications in order to improve their evasion for Red…
Misp-Extractor is a simple Python script that connects to a MISP instance and retrieves attributes of specific types (such as…
Invoke-Transfer is a PowerShell Clipboard Data Transfer. This tool helps you to send files in highly restricted environments such as…
Web Hacking Playground is a controlled web hacking environment. It consists of vulnerabilities found in real cases, both in pentests…
Email Vulnerablity Checker v1.1.1 verifies whether the domain is vulnerable to spoofing by Email-vulnerablity-checker Features This tool will automatically tells…
DNSRecon is a DNS scanning and enumeration tool written in Python, which allows you to perform different tasks, such as…
Powershell-Backdoor-Generator is a reverse backdoor written in Powershell and obfuscated with Python. Allowing the backdoor to have a new signature…
Winevt logs analysis is a simple script for the purpose of finding remote connections to Windows machine and ideally some…
C99Shell-PHP7 is a PHP 7 and safe-build Update of the popular C99 variant of PHP Shell. An excellent example of…