Kconfig is a tool For Checking The Hardening Options In The Linux Kernel Config There are plenty of Linux kernel…
RdpCacheStitcher is a tool that supports forensic analysts in reconstructing useful images out of RDP cache bitmaps. Using raw RDP cache…
FalconEye is a windows endpoint detection software for real-time process injections. It is a kernel-mode driver that aims to catch…
Rustcat is a port listener that can be used for different purposes.It is basically like netcat but with fewer options.…
Joern is an open-source Code Analysis Platform For C/C++/Java Based On Code Property Graphs. Quick Installation wget https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/joern/releases/latest/download/joern-install.shchmod +x ./joern-install.shsudo…
PPLdump implements a userland exploit that was initially discussed by James Forshaw (a.k.a. @tiraniddo) - in this blog post - for dumping the memory of any…
aggrokatz is an Aggressor plugin extension for CobaltStrike which enables pypykatz to interface with the beacons remotely.The current version of aggrokatz allows pypykatz to parse LSASS dump files and…
This is a GUI for Volatility forensics tool written in PyQT5. Prerequisites 1- Installed version of Volatility. 2- Install PyQT5.…
gundog - PowerShell based guided hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender Gundog provides you with guided hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender.…
Redpill project aims to assist reverse tcp shells in post-exploration tasks. Often in redteam engagements weneed to use unconventional ways…