Kali Linux

KubeArmor : Container-aware Runtime Security Enforcement System

Introduction to KubeArmor KubeArmor is a container-aware runtime security enforcement system that restricts the behavior (such as process execution, file…

4 years ago

Botkube : An App That Helps You Monitor Your Kubernetes Cluster, Debug Critical Deployments And Gives Recommendations For Standard Practices

BotKube integration with Slack, Mattermost or Microsoft Teams helps you monitor your Kubernetes cluster, debug critical deployments and gives recommendations for standard practices by running…

4 years ago

Duplicut : Remove Duplicates From MASSIVE Wordlist, Without Sorting It

Duplicut is a modern password wordlist creation usually implies concatenating multiple data sources. Ideally, most probable passwords should stand at…

4 years ago

Cybersecurity : Tips for the Best Measures to Protect Your Data

Cybersecurity is becoming a challenge to most individuals in society nowadays. People are losing money, among other essentials, through online…

4 years ago

WinPmem : The Multi-Platform Memory Acquisition Tool

WinPmem has been the default open source memory acquisition driver for windows for a long time. It used to live…

4 years ago

Paragon : Red Team Engagement Platform With The Goal Of Unifying Offensive

Paragon is a Red Team engagement platform. It aims to unify offensive tools behind a simple UI, abstracting much of…

4 years ago

Nginxpwner : Tool To Look For Common Nginx Misconfigurations & Vulnerabilities

Nginxpwner is a simple tool to look for common Nginx misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. Install cd /optgit clone https://github.com/stark0de/nginxpwnercd nginxpwnerchmod +x…

4 years ago

Storm-Breaker : Tool Social Engineering (Access Webcam, Microphone, OS Password Grabber And Location Finder) With Ngrok

Features Get Device Information Without Any PermissionsAccess Location [SMARTPHONES]Os Password Grabber [WIN-10]Access WebcamAccess Microphone Operating Systems Tested Kali Linux 2020…

4 years ago

VAF: Very Advanced (Web) Fuzzer

In VAF there will also be a vaf_linux_amd64 binary for linux users already compiled by me, but that's not going…

4 years ago

MeterPwrShell : Automated Tool That Generate The Perfect Powershell Payload

MeterPwrShell is a automated Tool That Generate A Powershell Oneliner That Can Create Meterpreter Shell On Metasploit, Bypass AMSI, Bypass…

4 years ago