Kali Linux

vPrioritizer : Tool To Understand The Contextualized Risk (vPRisk)

As indicated by sources like vulndb & cve, on a daily basis, approximately 50 new vulnerabilities become known to industry…

4 years ago

CSRFER : Tool To Generate CSRF Payloads Based On Vulnerable Requests

CSRFER is a tool to generate csrf payloads, based on vulnerable requests. It parses supplied requests to generate either a…

4 years ago

GHunt : Tool To Extract Information From Google Account

GHunt is an OSINT tool to extract information from any Google Account using an email. It can currently extract: Owner's…

4 years ago

Lockphish : The First Tool For Phishing Attacks

Lockphish it's the first tool (07/04/2020) for phishing attacks on the lock screen, designed to grab Windows credentials, Android PIN…

4 years ago

Your Guide to Popular Mac Issues and Fixes

Macbooks are durable and reliable. However, if you have had the same Mac for many years, you may start to…

4 years ago

SCREEN_KILLER : Tool To Track Progress During Pentest Engagement & OSCP

SCREEN_KILLER script was to developed to capture screenshot during pentest engagment and OSCP. IMPORTANT: The screenshot feature is no longer…

4 years ago

OFFPORT_KILLER : Tool Aims At Automating The Identification Of Potential Service Running

OFFPORT_KILLER tool aims at automating the identification of potential service running behind ports identified manually or on services running locally…

4 years ago

AdvPhishing : This Is Advance Phishing Tool! OTP PHISHING

AdvPhishing is a advance phishing tool with OTP phishing Bypass. SPECIAL OTP BYPASS VIDEO WORKED Social Media HackLinkInstallation Termuxhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO3hX1lLBjIWhatsapp OTPhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyB63ym3QYsGoogle…

4 years ago

TimeWarrior : Commandline Time Reporting

Timewarrior is a time tracking utility that offers simple stopwatch features as well as sophisticated calendar-based backfill, along with flexible…

4 years ago

Asnap : Tool To Render Recon Phase Easier

Asnap aims to render recon phase easier by providing regularly updated data about which companies owns which ipv4 or ipv6…

4 years ago